Goku x Reader [requested] [5]

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Goku's POV

I yelled out [Y/N]'s name when I saw her faint from using her power throughout the whole battle. I didn't know what was happening and I didn't like that, I rushed to her side kneeling down beside her. 

I reached out to touch her to help her up but the unexpected happened. I suddenly felt a hard punch to the face that sent me flying, digging my feet into the ground to make me stop; I could feel some blood dripping from my lips and nose already from the punch. Looking up my eyes widened at the sight.

[Y/N] was the one who punched me without warning. But she didn't look like herself when she slowly crawled to her feet, her eyes were no more the [E/C] color anymore, now they looked dull and filled with emptiness now.

"[Y/N]?" I called out again as I stood straight being caution about my movement.

She didn't respond to me calling out her name. She just stared into nothing like no one was in front of her but for some reason she was coming after me; maybe she could sense the power level between us. 

Standing in my fighting stance I took in a breath. I didn't want to fight [Y/N] but if this was the only way to get her back then I will have to fight her. 

In a flash she suddenly vanished taking me by surprise a bit. But like [Y/N] she always tries to hit her enemy from behind because of her speed; I turned around just in time to catch her ankle in my hand. Her blank stare was the thing that bothered me the most, she did tell me that she couldn't control her ultra instinct but I didn't know it would lead to this.

"[Y/N] snap out of it" I tried to call out to her again hoping my voice could reach her.

But once again she ignored me. Pulling on her ankle I tossed her over my shoulder sending her flying across the arena; but she stopped herself by digging her feet into the ground making it crack under her stopping.

"Any ideas guys!?" I shouted out to the others who were knocked out of the tournament already and were watching what was happening.

"Try knocking her out!" Gohan yelled out to me giving me somewhat of an idea that might help.

Before I could move she came after me again in a flash this time in front of me. Swinging her right leg at me I ducked to dodge her and did a back flip to try and kick her back; but she leaned backwards letting her catch herself with her hands to push herself back up to fight.

I would say fighting against her I could tell she has come a long way through all of the training that we have done together. Now I just had to figure out how to get my wife back from whatever was controlling her.

through thrown punches, kicks and moves we were evenly matched in the arena. Some who were watching were entertained for sure but I wasn't focusing on that, I needed to find a way to get her to let her guard down even for a second. 

I was even using my own ultra instinct and even that didn't feel enough. She still somehow had more speed and power, I couldn't even read her like I normally could when we would spare for training. 

"Come on [Y/N] snap out of it, I don't know what's controlling you but you have to fight it!" I tried reasoning with her as she kept attacking putting me on the defensive side of this fight.

She still didn't listening to me and I couldn't understand what was happening and I was getting a bit frustrated that I couldn't save my own wife from this. Then I thought of an idea, it might work but there was only one way to find out about it. 

I finally put distant between us both and jumped to the left of her. She followed me like I knew she would, so I jumped up high into the air. Again she jumped herself ready to attack again, but I flashed down to the ground which caught her a bit off guard. But not long enough when she found out where I went.

She flew straight down towards me, I waited for a moment until I had to move. when she was close to hitting me once again I flashed away making her crash into the ground hard. You couldn't see anything in the dust and that was my chance when I didn't raise my power level.

Coming up behind her I wrapped my right arm around her tightly. Knowing this she tried to fight against me to get free from my grip; but I acted fast and used my left hand to knock her out which made her pass out when the dust cleared around us.

I sighed as I sensed her power level was returning to normal and the ultra instinct aura was leaving her body. Holding her bridle style in my arms she finally was back to normal which made me relax, seeing her stir from being out for a moment I saw her eyes return back to normal again which made me smile.

"W-what happened?" she asked in a whisper still a bit sleeping from where I hit her to knock her out.

"I'll tell you when you rested up, everything fine now" I said to her giving her a gentle kiss on the forehead.

She slowly nod her head before closing her eyes again return back to sleep. I laid her back behind some ruble that will protect her from the next fight I was going in. I watched her for a moment seeing her peacefully sleeping from her power overload of some sort.

I kissed her once more on her head before I stood up and walked away from the ruble to head over to the fight that should be the end of the tournament and I was going to make sure it was so that we can finally go home together like we've always done before after every fight to save the world.


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