Goku x Reader [Requested] [3]

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It was finally the day for the tournament and I was both excited and nervous at the same time as we made our way to the tournament, I hope all of the training was worth it like I always thought before every battle we went into.

coming to the area was a bit intimidating and amazing seeing how large this place was took your breath away when you just walked onto the platform, the look of the dark and different color of the universe was amazing with the small stars blinking and winking in the night sky that surrounded us all in this area  

"You guys ready to do this?" Goku said as he cracked his knuckles together being fired up for the fight to begin.

Everyone else was all fired up as well and a bit cautious with the people that were around us in the arena we stood on.

"We need a plan before the fight begins, we don't know about anyone's styles of fighting or power level" Tien said to us as he looked at our group who was looking at him.

"It'll be a waste of time" Vegeta spoke as he stood there with his arms crossed together.

"But it'll give us a good chance" I said trying to see the good side of this.

"We'll team up and try to take out as many people as we could" Krillin added onto the plan that we were trying to figure out. 

We listened to the rules of the tournament seeing that if we were knocked out of the arena we no longer fought in the fight and just stood by why the fight went on; we were also given a time since there was a very large pillar in front of us that would go down until it would we would fight until it was completely in the arena's middle, the the higher ups were sitting in the booths listening like we were about the rules, I was a bit nervous as I listened to the rules.

But I felt someone take my hand in theirs making me look up seeing Goku standing next to me holding my hand when he smiled warmly at me, making me feel a bit better when I smiled back at him.

"Let the tournament begin" the announcer spoke as he was done explaining the rules of the tournament.

That's when everyone took off into the fight making it a brawl of strength mostly as they all clashed one on one or a team, it was very impressive to see how powers these other people were as we stood for a moment in our spot for a moment longer.

"Remember we need to stick together" Krillin said reminding us about the plan.

"Would you say that would be an order?" I asked Goku when I glanced at him with a smirk.

"I say it was a friendly suggestion" He smiled back when he answered my question.

Next thing the other's knew we were taking off into the battle to fight leaving the other's behind as some followed with that idea instead.

"Dad, mom we had a plan?!" Gohan shouted out to us both when we took off but we were to pumped to listen.

Everywhere you looked someone was fighting someone head on, hearing the clashes of fists and power moves it got my blood pumping as me and Goku stayed close together as we were fighting some other's who came to attack us head on; they were pretty good being fast on their feet but I couldn't help but smile since I was faster and I showed them that as I suddenly vanished out of nowhere taking them by surprise and then showing up behind them giving them a kick to the face sending them off the platform.

"Nice one" Goku said as he smiled when he punched someone away from him.

"Thanks" I smiled and chuckled as I began to fight still.

Many were being knocked out a couple of times as we began to fight on, as we fought my body some how was feeling a bit odd as I kept on punch and kicking the enemy trying to kick out many people as possible but even using some of my forms I could feel some sort of power building up within my body but I didn't know what kind if was.

I was beginning to get a little tired as I kept on using my speed to get away from people, Goku noticed as he soon showed up beside me to help out with the people surrounding us.

"You holding up?" he asked as we were back to back to each other ready for any attacks.

"Yeah, just feeling a bit tired for some reason" I said as I took deep breaths in and out with some sweat covering my forehead.

"Don't push yourself" he said as he glanced at me over his shoulder.

The moment he looked at me someone went to attack him making Goku look to his attacker in a short time, not enough to block or move but for some reason I was suddenly faster then I normally when when I suddenly punched the guys lights out sending him out of the arena.

My arm was just hinches from Goku's head when he glanced at my arm seeing some sort of white aura surround me as I pulled my arm back looking at my hands seeing the white around my whole body and I wasn't feeling tired anymore.

"[Y/N] did you" Goku wanted to say when he looked at me in surprise.

"Yeah, I think I just got ultra instinct" I said a bit shocked myself when I looked up at him wondering how I achieved it now and not while I was training for the tournament but the real fun was just about to begin. 

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