Goku x Reader [requested] [P3]

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Its been a couple of months now and the word of the 22nd martial arts tournament was coming up very soon and both Goku and [y/n] were very excited. They started training together having fun like always, it was always so much fun training together; they always learned new moves from each other or learned how to use moving combo's together.

right now they were taking a small break from training. Just sitting under a tree with the nice breeze as they sat together under the tree. But [y/n] suddenly heard something that didn't sound like it should be around here.

"Hey Goku do you hear that?" she asked as she stood up from the ground.

"Yeah, but what is it?" Goku asked as he also stood up from his spot on the ground.

"Let's go find out" she said as she started rushing towards the sound she was hearing.

Goku followed closely behind her, heading towards the sound that was growing louder and louder by the minute. They soon came to the sight of an army with big battle tanks walking towards the castle of the Ox King.

"You think they're looking for the dragon balls?" [y/n] asked when she looked at Goku with a worried face.

"they could be, we should do something about them before they get any closer to the castle" Goku said to her while looking towards her ready to fight.

"Sounds like a plan" [y/n] says with a nod of her head in agreement.

Goku nod his head as well, ready to head down there to take out this army but [y/n] had a thought in her mind that has been stuck in her head and she had to ask Goku.

"Goku" she asked before he went out to fight the army.

"I-I want to promise me something" she asked stuttering a little bit.

"Like what?" he asked being a bit confused.

"I want you to promise that no matter what you won't leave me for Chi Chi, I-I just...." [y/n] said looking at Goku for a moment before looking down at the ground worried that she'll find out one day, he'll leave her for Chi Chi one day.

"[Y/N] I already made a promise to you and I want to keep it and I promise that nothing will come between us never" Goku said to her taking her hands into his which made her smile warmly when she looked at him. 

She nod her head with her smile on her face, knowing this made her relax a bit more. Knowing this she was ready to fight that army that was heading to the castle of the Ox King; it was time to put some of their training to the test.

Once they started there was no stopping them. They were also accompanied by the Ox King and of course Chi Chi when the battle was beginning, [y/n] couldn't help but roll her eyes at Chi Chi and how she was fighting. She was mostly trying to show off to Goku it was almost laughable if not sickening.  

But at least she took out some of the people in the army, it didn't take long for them to destroy the army that was threatening the castle. One by one they fell to the combined strength of the people that they were trying to fight against. 

after finishing off the army it was a great warm up for Goku and [y/n] since they're new training paid off. But [y/n] could help but frown a little bit when she saw Chi Chi smile brightly as she ran towards Goku, wanting to hug him. But Goku saw this coming and dodged her hug attack which made her trip and fall on the ground.

[y/n] couldn't help but laugh once Goku started laughing thinking it was funning, hell even her father was laughing at the scene as well. But that just made chi chi angry when she stood up from the ground.

"why did you do that?!! You can clearly see that I was more worried about your safety in the battle than [y/n] was! She clearly didn't care !!" Chi Chi shouted at Goku when she stood up from the ground, pointing a finger at her and the pointing one toward [y/n] who just kept frowning.

"I already told you that [y/n] and I are going to stay together no matter what you say or do, that is the end of it" Goku said to her in a sharp tone since he was getting sick about this whole thing about Chi chi talking badly about [y/n] when she never knew anything about her.

Goku walked over to [y/n] taking her hand in his and started walking off while talking about the tournament which changed [y/n]'s frown into a smile as they began talking about their training again.

But Chi Chi wasn't having any of this and listened about how Goku loved martial arts so much, she decided that she was going to start her own training to prove that she was better fit for Goku than that [y/n] ever was. No matter what she will make sure that Goku would pick her over [y/n], she was determined to make sure that she would win no matter what.   

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