Goku x Reader [p3] [requested]

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[a/n: sorry this took long, family issues took over my time]

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!!!" the voice of Bulma shouted at Vegeta with all of her wrath as Goku held his ten year old wife in his arms; who was still slightly crying about what happened. Even though Bulma was going to fix this it was still going to be a long wait until she was back to her normal self.

Bulma already made arrangements with [y/n]'s boss so she didn't have to worry about work any time soon. Bulma sighed frustrated about the whole thing as she gave Vegeta a good slap on the face leaving a red mark on his cheek before she walked over towards Goku and [y/n].

"Okay, So I have idea on what to do. But right now Goku I need to take [y/n] on a little trip to help take her mind off things" Bulma sighed heavily again as she face them.

"A trip? Where? Shouldn't we wait back home?" Goku was confused for a moment wondering why he would take her on a trip.

Bulma gave him a side glance as her eyes looked and the sniffling [y/n] in his arms. Staying at him would be the most boring thing ever right now for anyone and who knows how long this would actually take. 

"Go to the west city, amusement park. Kid's love that stuff plus it'll take her mind off of this and to make her relax after her whole work thing" Bulma said telling him the idea of taking [y/n] out to have some fun and be a kid for a while.

"That sounds great, [y/n] what do you think?" Goku agreed without thinking too much on it before he glanced at his little wife who unhide her face from his shoulder.

[y/n] nodded her head humming in agreement, rubbing her eyes from the small tears that fell; looking adorable that Goku couldn't help but smile warmly at her.

After leaving the house of Bulma's, he started flying them towards the park to get [y/n]'s mind off of this whole thing. He could still tell that she was upset, but he was going to make sure that she would have fun being a kid again since, they didn't really have time to play like kids for too long. 

It didn't take long until they landed in front of the park, hearing the laughter of happy people and the wild rides that were around the area. They haven't been to one like this since Gohan was little; [y/n]'s eyes seem to light up when her eyes landed on the place.

Goku set her down taking her small hand in his letting them enter the park to have some fun; he couldn't remember the last time she smiled this brightly. It was good to see her having fun; She dragged him along the park pointing to all the cool. Going on roller coasters, water slides and playing small games. [Y/n] was having the time of her life as she stuffed her face with some chocolate ice cream that made her hum as she skipped a little way ahead of Goku who was smiling warmly as he watched her having fun and not worry ab out anything right now.

They were just about to head out of the park to go home and wait for a call from Bulma, But Goku saw [y/n] paused in her walking which made him pause in walking when his eyes suddenly widen when his sights were on a mystery man that was dress in black, standing in front of [y/n].

Goku could feel evil ki coming from the mystery man that was standing in front of his wife; already sensing something was going to go very wrong in any minute now.

"[Y/n]! get away from him!" he shouted out in worry, ready to fight this man.

Charging forward towards this man, ready to fight as [y/n] went to run away from the danger that was in front of her. But the man just smirked at this attempt, Goku swung a left hook, but it didn't do anything for the man had already vanished before his eyes.

"GOKU!!" the voice of [y/n] shouted out to catch his attention.

Turning towards her voice, he saw the man in black was holding his wife in a tight grip not wanting to let her go; feeling his blood boil Goku charged in again to get his wife back from this man; but the man dodged the attack once more and came back with a double chop to the back of Goku's head. Bringing him down to the ground feeling the unconscious feeling start to take over, [y/n] yelled out for Goku several times as his vision was starting to black out, weakly reaching out towards her wanting to get up and save her but the mystery man suddenly vanished taking [y/n] with him to who knows where as Goku blacked out from the hard blow, worried about what this man wanted from his wife.

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