Chapter 1

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"Four eyes-san."

The girls laughing make you turn around, lowering your head.

"Don't engage. Keep moving."

"Eh, are you ignoring us?" The girl raised her hand in your direction and you turned just as she moved to strike you grabbed her hand, and she flinched.

"Don't touch my glasses."

She shrieked, running off with her friends.

"Whatever you freak!!"

They were gone in a matter of seconds. You sigh, pushing the spectacles up on your nose. Walking, you clench the lunch in your hand. It's nothing new, girls messing with you. In a way you guess you're an easy target. You rarely ever fought back. Going up the stairs, you find a comfortable place where you can eat on the roof.

The wind hits your face the second you enter. Taking a seat, you relax.

"Peace and quiet."

Those girls took up a bit of your break with their ridiculous antics.

"What did I ever do to them anyway?"

You open your box, about to take a bite, but the sight of orange makes you stop.


You peak over, behind the pillar there is someone else there. A student you think.

You place your box down. Inching against the wall, you poke your head out.

"Try not to make too much of a ruckus Toshiro."

"What did I tell you about the casual way that you address me?"

There's two of them, but the one in white hair is wearing some weird clothes, and he has a sword strapped to his waist.

"Maybe he likes cosplay."

You think very little of it, but he moves to the ledge and you panic.

"W-What the hell is he doing!"

He jumps into the sky, and all you can do is gape.


You stagger back, falling right onto your butt. The orange haired teen turns to you in shock, and your eyes widen.


You flinch, your legs are shaking and you can't seem to get them to respond. You know you should run. It's obvious you weren't supposed to see any of that. He approaches, and you panic.

"I-I didn't see that guy fly off I swear!!"

A bead of sweat runs down the side of his head.

"I'm not an idiot, you know." He's right in front of you and he looks pissed. Your body decides to kick into action. You jump to your feet, taking off.

"Wait a second!!"

You ignore his yell, just focus on getting away. A hand grabs your wrist, and you jolt. The sudden tug has caused you to take a step back, and your glasses slip off your face. Your back hits his chest, and he stops.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to grab you but you were.."

Ichigo looks down, because he can't make out your face. It's shielded from him. He does however notice your glasses on the floor.

"My glasses..."

"Yeah sorry about that. It looks fine so you can-"

Ichigo grunts when you shove him back. His body skates a good distance away, and you sprint away, grabbing your glasses in the process. He doesn't have a chance to catch you, because you bolt out the door, slamming it shut. He just stares.

"She was pretty strong."

It was nothing more than a nudge, but he was knocked back at least fifty feet. Not to mention you'd obviously seen Toshiro as a reaper.

"Getting your ass kicked so easily, that's pathetic even for you king."

"Will you shut up!!"

Hichigo snickers. 

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