Chapter 5

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When the break rolls around, a few of them are in the classroom. Rukia lifts her head.

"Ichigo, something wrong?" Orihime, Sado and Ishida are also there.

"Not really, there's just.." How was he supposed to word this?

"There's someone else in our grade that's able to see reapers." Orihime perks up.

"Really! What's her name, is she in our class, does she like bentos!!"

"Calm down Orihime." Sado says casually.

Ichigo takes a seat.

"Is she safe? I'm guessing that she can see hollows as well."

"I'm not sure. From what I can tell, she hasn't seen any yet. She looked confused when I asked her about it."

"I'm not sure if that's good or bad." Ishida inputs.

"Don't worry, I'll look out for her." 

They were all used to Ichigo's protective nature. So when they all send him knowing smiles, he sweat drops.

"What's with the creepy smiles?"

"You're so heroic Kurosaki-kun." Orihime praises.

He turns his head in denial.

"Whatever." She giggles.

There's a knock at the door.

"Orihime-san, Gomen I didn't mean to bother you but..." Your words drop off at the group standing there.

"E-EH!! Kurosaki-san?!!"

He hadn't expected to see you here. It's all over his face. Rukia studies the interaction.

"Could she be..."

"(Y/N)?" Orihime rose.

"I didn't know you were friends with Kurosaki-san Orihime."

"You know each other?" Rukia questions.

"Hai, (Y/N)-san is really good at cooking, she's been trying to help me in our culinary class."

You're a bit flustered at all the eyes that are now on you. Ichigo stands.

"I-I just came to return your apron. I think you forgot it in class last time." You place it in her arms, about to take off.

"(Y/N) (L/N)." You halt at Rukia's authoritative voice.


"Close the door."


Everyone else sweat drops.

"She doesn't have to make it sound like she's going to kidnap her."

You slide the door close, trembling like a leaf. Ichigo placed a hand on Rukia's head.

"Stop scaring her Rukia."

He lectures. She smacks him in the stomach and he buckles over in pain. Your trembling increases tenfold.

"P-Please don't kill me, I haven't even met Chris Hemsworth yet!"

You cry. Ishida shakes his hand.

"I apologize, we didn't mean to scare you. Uryuu Ishida, It's nice to meet you (L/N)-san." You bow.

"Y-You too."

You both push up your glasses at the same time.

"Are they twins?"

Sado and Orihime think.

"I see now that my way of going about this was a bit forceful."Rukia says.

"You just now noticed!" Ichigo is once again struck in the stomach.

"She's scary."

"Anyway, I've been told that you can see spirits and reapers. How long have you had those abilities?"

"Ano, since I was a child I think. Lately it's been different though."


"Kurosaki-san says he's a soul reaper, just like you Rukia-san. But what I feel from him and you are completely different." Ichigo raised from the floor, walking over to you.

"What do you mean?" 

He's a lot closer now, and it's a bit intimidating. You look up, and for a split second, there's a brief flash of yellow in his eyes. You gasp, taking a step back. Ichigo is startled at the quick flash of fear.

"(Y/N)?" He reaches out but you move back.

"I-I have to get going!"

You storm out of the classroom, and they all stare.

"I wonder why she ran off. She looked a bit scared. " Orihime contemplates.

Ichigo looks down, and Rukia is keen to the look the teen now wears.

"Is it possible that she saw his hollowfication."

Rukia had been fortunate never to encounter that side of him in battle. She knew more than anything it still frightened him. He found somewhat of a balance, but there were still parts that he struggled with.

Regardless of what it was, they need to be careful. 

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