Chapter 11

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Rukia was confused when Ichigo returned to class with a disgruntled look on his face and a lot more bandages on his head.

"Hah! You look like you got run over by a truck." Came Keigo's boisterous laugh. That had only earned him a kick to the face.

"You've been gone for two periods, are you alright?" Ishida asked. Ichigo took his seat, looking down at the desk.

"Did you guys feel anything a while ago?"

"What do you mean?" Orihime's head tilted to the side.


He was almost positive that Hichigo got out, even if it was just for a short while, surely they would have sensed it.

"(Y/N)-san stopped by looking for you, but you weren't here. She wanted you to know not to wait for her after school."

Ichigo's fists tightened on the desk. It's apparent that you're running again. Not that he could blame you. He'd told you himself that if that side was ever present to run. Yet, it still hurts. He wasn't sure he could deal with you looking at him in terror. Not again.

Rukia always knew when something was amiss. Ichigo did his best to do his part in dealing with problems. But his biggest flaw was trying to do everything on his own. Even after a number of battles, he had a hard time leaning on others. He'd make a vow to protect, and he did it selflessly, even if it meant he'd get hurt. It was admirable, but foolish. She knew if she kept pressing, he'd deny that there was an issue, so for now, maybe it was best to wait it out.



The fist that came hurtling in his direction was easily evaded, and Ichigo yelled.

"Damn it stop the crap old man!!" He was currently holding Isshin in a choke hold, and Yuzu waved around crazily.

"P-Please stop fighting!"

"It's no use, you know once they get worked up there's no stopping them. " Karin says in disinterest. They were all used to this by now. It's only when the doorbell rings that Yuzu looks up.

"Hmm, dad are you expecting someone?" He shook his head.

"Maybe it's Rukia-chan!" He slipped out of Ichigo's hold, sprinting to the door, swinging it open. The girl that stood on the opposite side was not Rukia.

"Oh, hello. Can I help you?"

You nod.

"H-Hai." Ichigo's head raised at the familiar voice. He walked to the door.


He told himself he was prepared this time for any look of fear that you would hold. But when your eyes met his, he could only see worry and guilt. You were clutching something in your hand.

"I-I-I'm sorry about earlier!!" You shout, pushing the small bag you have into his hands. Ichigo stared down at the small container of strawberries that was now in his palm. A pulse grew on his forehead.

"Is this a joke?!!"

"N-No!! Rukia-san said you loved strawberries. I-I just wanted to apologize, so I asked her for your address so I could do it personally. "

"Damn you Rukia."

Ichigo sighed.

"Well don't stand out there, come in!" Isshin pulled you inside and you squealed. Ichigo smacked the male across the face, successfully releasing his hold on you.

"Quit being a creep!!"

You stood at Ichigo's side, not sure what to do. Your plan was to drop the fruit off and make a run for it before you got him mad.

"We'll be upstairs." 

He takes your hand leading you away, and frankly there isn't much you can say. The door closes, and you rock on your feet. Ichigo looks over to see you trembling.

"Oii!! Why are you freaking out!!"

"I've never been in a boy's bedroom before. I'm sorry. I'm sorry!" You bow repeatedly, and he just drops onto his bed, letting out a breath.

"No need to get so worked up, I'm not going to do anything."

You visibly calm down enough to see the hurt in his eyes.

"I thought you ran off because you were terrified of me." He's finally able to say it.

"I sound kind of pathetic right." He lets out a laugh, and you shake your head.

"Kurosaki-san, I saw it. Your hollowfication." Now he won't even look at you.

"I figured." That's all he said.

"He was scary."

He still refuses to look your way. Ichigo doesn't make a move, he only jolts when he feels you take a seat right next to him. You reach out, and when your palm rests on his forehead, you smile up at him.

"My superior head power really came in handy. I'm really sorry that I head butt you again." You're smiling at him, and suddenly, that guilty look you wore makes sense.

"At the moment I couldn't think of anything else. Are you mad at me, Kurosaki-san?" Your voice sounds a bit pleading, and he almost thinks he's imagining it. You were worried about him. He's not sure he saw that one coming.

"I'm not mad."

"You promise?"

"As long as you don't do it again." He retorts. You look away.

"Hey! What's with that look!!"

So it's clear that expecting it never to happen again is asking too much. You remove your hand from his forehead with a smile.

"I'm glad you're not mad." Ichigo studies you.

"I don't understand her."

Anyone would have been horrified seeing him that way, yet you were acting as though it was normal.

"If I'd hurt you, would you still be so nonchalant about all this." 

He knew he shouldn't be tipping the boat, but he needs to know the answer. Even if it's something he won't like.

"You won't hurt me." He grits his teeth.

"That's not what I aske-"

You grab his collar, and his first assumption is that you're probably gonna deliver another headshot. You pull him down and your foreheads bump gently. Ichigo stares in awe.

"I believe in you, even if you're having trouble believing in yourself. Y-You may look scary sometimes, but you would never hurt me. That's what I know!"

You were continuously surprising him.

"There is some merit to her words."

Tensa speaks.

Ichigo just closed his eyes.

For now, he could use your faith in him. 

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