Chapter 25- Final

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"You can do this."

He'd been standing in front of your door for ten minutes now, yet he couldn't bring himself to knock on the door.

"Quit stalling king."

"I'm trying here!!"

Ichigo flinched when he heard footsteps on the other side of the door as it opened. You looked up.


Well now he couldn't exactly run away.


He rubbed the back of his neck and you stepped to the side.

"Did something happen, I heard you yelling." He stepped inside shaking his head as you closed the door.

"No everything is fine."

That was good to hear.

For a moment you just look at him.

"I like you, (Y/N)."

Those words replay in your head, and your blush returns full force.

"H-He must be here to talk about that!! I'm not ready!!"

Ichigo sweatdropped when he saw the color drain from your face.

"I just came to apologize about before." He looks off to the side. You shake your head frantically.

"There's r-really no need to apologize!! " You wave your hands around laughing loudly in hopes of dealing with this very awkward situation.

"Did you hate it?"

That's not the question you expect. Ichigo is no longer avoiding your eyes.

"When I kissed you, did you hate it?"

You press your hands to your chest a bit taken aback. He looks a bit sad at the thought. You bite your lip.

"I didn't hate it."

There's a significant change, you can see it written all over his face. Your cheeks are the brightest shade of red.

"T-The truth is I-I like you too. I-I think I have for a really long time. Y-You were the first person who I felt like I could relate to about being different, being scared of that side of me. I guess I just got used to having you around. I was happy that we were still able to be friends after you found out. I really thought you would leave me..." Your eyes begin to well up, and Ichigo steps forward.

"I'd never leave you!!"

There's no doubt in those words. It startles you how warm that statement makes you feel. You close your eyes smiling.

"I really liked that kiss. It was my first and so much better than anything I could have expected."

Ichigo lowers his eyes, and you blink when you hear him curse.

Your eyes open.

"S-Sorry did I say something unnecessary?"

He shook his head, and you meant to step forward, but he placed a hand on your shoulder to keep you at a distance.

"I..I can't promise I won't kiss you again if you get any closer." Your heart races. He's still not looking at you.

Wiping your cheeks, you smile, taking his hand as you step forward. You grin, finally able to see his flushed face.

"I'll take full responsibility."

"Damn you."

He moves forward, pulling you close, and you sigh at how familiar his lips feel pressed so desperately to yours.

"Guess you ain't as hopeless as we thought. '' Hichigo chuckles.

Such an unexpected meeting had made way for a beautiful relationship that neither of you saw coming.

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