Chapter 2

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He looks up.

"Ah, Rukia, what's up. " Renji was walking with her.

"Toshiro says the hollows are gone. There were just a few circling spirits near the hospital." Ichigo nods.

"That's good to know."

He couldn't stop thinking about that encounter. He hadn't seen you since then. It's obvious you were avoiding him. You weren't in his class either. He couldn't exactly go from class to class looking.

That was plain creepy.

"This is becoming a hassle."

"Why are you acting weirder than usual?" Rukia questions. He flinched, waving his hands.

"No reason! See you guys later!!" He sprints away, and They both just watch his dust in the wind.

"That idiot, what did he get into this time?" Renji grumbles.


It didn't make sense to dwell on it. Walking down the busy streets, Ichigo's gaze strayed to the right. A familiar face had popped into his line of sight, right across the street.

"It's her."

"Hey you!!"

The female stiffened, and she turned.

The second you saw his face, you spin around, running off.

"S-Stay away from me you pervert!!" Your yell drew some attention . You hoped it would be enough to block him so you could make an escape.


He was running at you at an incredible speed.

"Hyah!!! Leave me alone!!"

~Twenty Minutes Later~

Hunched over at the sidewalk, you pressed your hand to the wall, heaving.

"I think I finally lost him."

"Nice try." You squeak. His hands were folded, and he wore a dark look.

"A pervert huh."

You started sweating profusely as you bowed.


It took a while to get you to calm down, but you did eventually. Now he can talk without you running and screaming.

"It's pretty obvious you can see spirits and reapers. With that strength I'm shocked Urahara hasn't tried to recruit you. "

"W-Who the hell is Urahara?"

"Better if you don't know." He says vaguely. You sweat drop.

"I get why you ran, but what I don't understand is why you got all weird. It's just a pair of glasses. " He reaches out and plucks it right off your face, and your eyes grow wide. Ichigo blinks, and when he looks down, he's stunned.

You're crying.


"D-Don't look at me!!" You scream. You dropped to the floor, covering your face into your knees and Ichigo isn't sure what to do. He can see your shoulders shaking, which just adds to his confusion.

"O-Oi!! Why the hell are you crying!!"

The passersby give him a look, and a pulse grows on his head.


He was fuming, and you looked up slowly. The surprise is displayed on your face.


You couldn't have imagined the words. 

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