Chapter 16

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"Grandma, are soul reapers real?"

"Of course dear. They're very real. They protect us from bad monsters."

"Monsters! I-I'm scared." The little girl buried her face into the older woman's shirt.

"(Y-Y/N)-chan you d-don't have to worry! I'll protect you forever!!"

The little boy looked equally terrified at the story, but he did his best to stand his ground.

"Sugoi!! You're so cool Ni-san!" She jumped into the boy's arms who just flushed, rubbing her head.

"I'll look after you. I promise."

Tarou placed a hand on his face, letting out a heavy sigh.

"Is that what I'm doing?"

Right now it feels like the opposite. It's been a week. If he didn't buzz by everyday, you wouldn't have a solid meal. You stayed in your room for the most part. Everyday he saw you, he could see just a little bit of joy leave your eyes.

"I've already let her down."

Why couldn't this be easier? He knew keeping Ichigo away was the right decision. You were devastated when you saw how ill he looked. It would have only gotten worse if you stayed with him.

After you left the hospital that night, Ichigo wore the same look. Even when he'd gone back to visit the boy the next day. He expected hostility.

"I don't give a damn what you say, I'm going to see her."

Tarou walked in the very moment Ichigo was about to leave.

"I saw two girls and an older man on the way over. If I'm not mistaken the girls' names were Yuzu and Karin." Ichigo's stance changed from defiant to straight rage.

"It would be horrible if something were to happen to any of them." Ichigo pushed forward grabbing him by the collar as he slammed him to the wall.

"Are you threatening my family!!"

Some nurses buzzed by heard the commotion, no doubt calling security.

"I'm just showing you how important family is. The very same protective nature you have for your sisters is how I feel about my own. I'd give my life for her. If any danger were to come her way, I'd do anything to stop it, even if she hated me for it." Ichigo's grip was still tight.

"You think by keeping her away from me is going to protect her!!"

"You're nothing more than a boy she met a few weeks ago. You have no say in anything regarding her. In a matter of months, she will forget. She'll start over somewhere else, and you'll be nothing but a memory." Ichigo's anger intensified, and just as he raised his fist, two men grabbed him from behind, both wearing uniforms.

He resisted, yelling at Tarou.

"I'm not going to stop!! I'LL PROTECT HER!!" His yells continued down the halls as they dragged them away.

"Why is he so invested in someone he barely knows?"

Tarou heard you mention the name a few times, and he'd admit that it was different, the way your face lit up when you spoke of an angry teenager with unusual orange hair. From the sound of it, he was a delinquent. He'd warned you to avoid the boy, but you insisted that the only thing scary about him was his face.

Then when Ichigo walked in that evening, he felt it. It hit him like a brick.

Chaotic reiatsu.

From that moment he knew that it was dangerous.

He was doing this to keep you safe.

"That's right, this is for her. I have to protect her. I am protecting her. Am..I protecting her...?"

A question he couldn't answer anymore. 

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