Chapter 3

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"I'm sorry about what happened earlier."

You adjust your glasses bashfully, and Ichigo just huffs. Your little crying fit had everyone walking down that street look at him like he was a monster.

"What's the deal with you and those glasses anyway?" He's still noticeably annoyed, and you clench your bag. You refused to look directly at him.

"N-Ni-san said once that I look weird without them. S-So I really try to avoid taking them off around other people. "

For a moment Ichigo thinks you're joking, but you look vulnerable. Apparently some playful words from your sibling had made you self conscious about it. It was silly to him.

"She's beautiful, so why the hell is she so self conscious?"

Ichigo paused.

"Wait a second...what the hell did I just think!!"

You chance a look at Ichigo, tilting your head.

"I thought for sure he'd make fun of me. But he's not mad. H-He even said I was cute." You fidget in your spot.

"A-About what happened on the roof, I won't say anything. Even if I did, I don't think anyone would believe me. I-I'll keep it a secret." Ichigo looks over at that. You don't look as sad.

"Guess I was a bit insensitive too. My bad." He mutters. You wave it off.

"It's silly, I know. I shouldn't have gotten so worked up. It's weird when those girls at school mess with me I've always been able to just walk away. I guess I'm just not used to anyone ever asking about it."

"People are messing with her."

For some reason the thought irked him.

"If anyone gives you shit tell me and I'll put them in their place."

He sounds awfully serious. An image of Ichigo beating up some poor unsuspecting victim makes you turn pale.

"Y-You really don't have to..."

"What kind of horrific thing did you just imagine? I'm not a monster you know." You laugh nervously.


Ichigo sighs, holding out his hand.

"Ichigo Kurosaki."

You just look at it for a moment.

"His hand sure is big."

You're a bit hesitant, but soon you reach out, taking his hand.

"It's so soft."

You smile up at him.

"Nice to meet you Kurosaki-san."

You're beaming, and Ichigo's brow twitches as a flush adorns his cheek.

"What the heck is with this bright energy?"

He pulls away after a minute, and you're still smiling. 

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