Chapter 12

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"Are you sure you can't stay for dinner?"

"Yes I'm sure. Thank you for the offer, but I really should get going." You bow.

"Stop by any time (Y/N)-chan!!" Isshin says. With a punch to the face, he falls backwards, and Ichigo steps out the door.

"I'm gonna walk you home. "

After such a blow, you're not really sure you want to question him. Yuzu is waving energetically as the both of you walk down the street, out of their view. You tug on your sleeves.



"If I had a hollowfication, would you be afraid of me?"

His brows knit, and for a second he tries to imagine it, but the image just makes him laugh.


"W-Why are you laughing!! Y-You meanie!! I-I bet you if I did it would be cooler than yours!!"

He's still laughing, and you pout, speeding up. His laughter dies out a bit, and he increases his speed to catch up with you.

"You're mean." You grumble. Ichigo placed a hand on the top of your head, ruffling your locks.

"Sorry, sorry I just didn't expect the question." Your cheeks are puffed as you stomp your feet with each step. Ichigo's soft gaze is now solely on you.

"Scary huh. "

You had quite the imagination. He's not used to the questions you seem to ask. Or the statements you make. A normal person wouldn't have thought twice about avoiding him, especially after all you'd seen. But here you were, inquiring on whether he'd have the same fears if your roles were reversed.

"I don't think I could ever be afraid of you. Not in those glasses at least."

"Stop teasing me!!"

You hit him on the chest, and Ichigo is still smiling. He may never get why you are stuck at his side after all those discoveries, but a part of him is relieved. Because there hasn't been a dull day since he met you. Now being with you feels like a natural part of his life. There is an ease. The same way he felt when he'd first met Rukia. It was unplanned, and chaotic at first, but their bond was irreplaceable. However, he wouldn't describe the way he feels with you the same as any of his other friends.

"It's different..with her..."

"Kurosaki-san." Ichigo blinks.

"We're here." You're standing, waving your hand in front of his face. His cheeks flush, and he presses his palm over your eyes.

"Alright, quit it."

You wave around frantically because your view is blocked. He finally releases you, and Ichigo is looking ahead at the man standing at the door. You turn.

"Ah, Tarou-ni!"

Your smile becomes bright as you rush to the man.

The older man opens his arms as he hugs you, his smile mirroring yours. He's decked in a suit, straight from work it appears.

"I was a bit worried when I got here and you didn't answer the door."

"I'm okay Ni-san. I stopped by a friend's house." You gesture to Ichigo who steps forward.

"Kurosaki Ichigo, nice to meet you." Tarou smiles.

"(L/N) Tarou. Thank you for looking after my little sister. She can be a handful at times. "


"I'm only kidding. Come in, I was just about to go in and prepare dinner if you'd like to join."

"Thank you."

You're surprised that Ichigo accepts the offer.


"Why do you look so surprised!!"

You just giggle nervously as he follows you inside. Ichigo isn't exactly known for his quirky personality, but the dinner that the three of you share is very pleasant. Tarou is curious by nature, but very laid back, so you understand why Ichigo feels so relaxed. He did work in sales, so you know he's pretty effective at charming people. There's also a few times that you see Ichigo smile as he talks about his family, especially his little sisters.

When the topic of his mother rolled around, you can see him tense. It's brief, but you've gotten used to him. You feel a bit foolish. Not once had you ever thought to ask. So when he tells your brother the story, you feel that tinge in your stomach. You'd like to reach over and comfort him in some way, but you don't know how, so you just keep your hands in your lap. Surprisingly, the dinner ends on a happier note. Because the moment it changes to his father, his enthusiasm has returned. Even if he spent the time insulting his old man. It makes you smile. You can see the love on his face.

"Well, I hope we haven't taken up too much of your time." Ichigo shakes his head standing.

"Not at all, thank you for the meal."

"Of course. " Tarou nods.

"(Y/N), do you mind packing the leftovers into the fridge?"

"Not at all, I'm on it, Ni-san!" You make hurried steps, grabbing the dishes as you turn the corner humming. Ichigo's gaze wanders for a moment, and Tarou notices.

"Ichigo." Tarou's tone sounds stern. Purposeful, and Ichigo refocuses.

"You look like a boy who has a good head on his shoulders, so I'll only say this once. " There's something about his eyes that has Ichigo a bit unnerved.

"Stay away from (Y/N)."

There's conviction in Tarou's voice, and Ichigo's gaze hardens. 

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