Chapter 4

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Walking to school the next day makes you a bit anxious. You know for a fact that you'll eventually run into Ichigo again.

"He's not that bad, he just has a scary face. You'll be fine."

"Who has a scary face?"


Ichigo looks unimpressed.

"D-Don't sneak up on me like that!!"

"You were the one spacing out and insulting me."

"H-How do you know it was you I was talking about?"

"Then who was it?"

You sweat, Ichigo just wears a blank expression.

"It was me after all."

This was embarrassing.

"Gomen, Kurosaki-san."

Looks like most of your meetings will just be you apologizing to him.

"Hurry up, we're gonna be late."

"Y-Yes!" You run to his side, and he begins walking again with you in step. That scowl is still planted on his face.

"Kurosaki-san, why are you always frowning?"

"Eh? What are you talking about, I'm not frowning."

"He must be joking."

Was that really his natural face?

You bow.


"Why are you apologizing!!"

You just laugh nervously, and his scowl deepens.

"I can't tell if he's upset or not, his face is still the same."

Deciding not to add salt to the wound, you change the subject.

"Before with that student that jumped off the roof, you called him a reaper." Ichigo tunes in.

"Yeah, he's a soul reaper, just like me."

So that was it.

"I..I didn't know they were real."

"You've heard about it before?"

You nod.

"My grandmother used to tell me stories. When I was younger I'd see spirits all the time. I guess before that day on the roof, I sort of forgot about all of it. I was just a kid. I thought it was made up."

"I get it. If I hadn't met Rukia and seen it for myself, I probably would not have believed it at all."

"Rukia-san is a reaper too?"

Ichigo nods.

"She's gonna be pissed that I'm telling you this. But it's not like we can pretend it didn't happen. Chances are you can see hollows too. "


Ichigo looks down at your curious stare.

"She doesn't know what those are, maybe I should keep that to myself. No use scaring her. Besides, I'll be protecting her from here on out."

"Got attached to the chick king." Hichigo taunts.

"Can it!"

You jump at his outburst.

"G-Gomen, I didn't mean to pry."

Ichigo lets out an annoyed breath.

"I wasn't talking to you."

That's weird, then who was he talking to?"

"Forget about it, let's get going." Ichigo increases his pace.

It feels like he's holding something back, so you just follow quietly. He didn't have to tell you anything, so you were grateful for the information he did share.

He wasn't an open book, but then again, neither are you.

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