Chapter 10

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Hichigo stared up at the many slanted buildings.

"You're back." Tensa said casually.

"T-That brat!!" SHE KNOCKED ME OUT!!"

Ichigo was sitting at the side.

"Wait a second, did you try to take over my body again!"

Hichigo just folded his arms.

"So what, you're gonna do something about it." Ichigo was seething, and he swiped his sword, but Hichigo dodged easily, jumping back.

"Quit freaking out, I didn't even get to have any fun. That glasses chick got in the way. "

Ichigo stopped.

"(Y/N) did?"

Hichigo rubbed his forehead, pissed.

"I don't get it. She knocked me out with one hit. " Tensa drifted closer.

"You didn't fight back?"

"Didn't have a chance to. She caught me by surprise. I thought she was gonna cry. Guess I let my guard down."

Ichigo didn't like the smile on Hichigo's face.

"Can't wait to see her again."

"No way is that happening!!"

He wasn't going to let him get within even an inch of you. Ichigo huffed, sheathing his blade.

"I'm heading back." He didn't wait for a response, his body dispersing in the water. Tensa's eyes moved back to Hichigo.

"She's not like normal humans." Tensa stated.

"Not at all. King doesn't even know. That idiot. "

For now, it seemed best to let Ichigo figure it out on his own.



Ichigo rose from his spot, confused at the pain in his head.

"You're finally awake, how are you feeling?" Ichigo's eyes moved to the nurse.

"I'm in the infirmary?"

"Yep! You fainted, then knocked yourself out when you woke back up." Ichigo laughed nervously. It's obvious that's far from what happened. When his eyes finally gained proper focus, he could see you standing at the side quietly.


"H-Hi Ichigo."

You were shifting uncomfortably.

"Let me check you out and then you can be off on your way." The nurse stood, sending you a side look.

"Sorry missy, we'll need a bit of privacy." She pulled the curtains across and you jumped.


You blushed.

"Now, now Kurosaki-san, stay still so I can take your vitals."

"S-Stop w-wait stop!!"

You exit the room, slamming the door shut. 

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