Chapter 15

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"How is Ichigo?"

It's the only thing you can ask.

Tarou had stopped by to ensure you ate. Now on his way out, you were standing at the bottom of the stairs.

"He's already fully recovered. I anticipate that he will be coming here to see you. Remember what I said (Y/N). If you care for him, you will do the right thing. " He didn't say any more, just walked off.

Leaving you there, torn.

You hadn't attended school for the last two days.

There's no doubt that your brother has already addressed your problem to the school because you were still getting your worksheets from students in your class.

Tarou hasn't looked you in the eye since Ichigo got hurt.

You can only conclude that he hates you. Your power, your presence, your existence.


There's a banging on the door, and you jump.


"(Y/N) Open the door!!" (Y/N)! (Y/N)!!"

The second you turn the knob, the door opens and Ichigo shoots inside. His body crashes into you, and the hug is so unexpected. You aren't sure what to do. He's holding unto you like you'll disappear.

"If you continue to be friends, then ultimately, Ichigo will die."

You flinch, shoving him back forcefully.

Ichigo is speechless, and you stare at him, eyes wide.

"W-Why did you come here.." You sound shaken.


"Ni-san told you what would why are you doing this to me.."

"Are you telling me you believe that nonsense? It's a lie, it has to be. Don't you see that!"

He moves to take a step towards you.


Ichigo froze.

You won't look at him.

Your hands wrap around your body as you bite down on your lip. Ichigo can see the trembles that rake through your body, and when he sees the tears running down your cheeks, his heart feels like it's being squeezed in his chest.


He couldn't find his voice. Never did he expect to see you in such a state.

"If I ever hurt would kill me."

You shield your eyes, turning your back.

"I don't want to ever see you again. If you come by again, I'll hate you forever."

His eyes widen, and you close the door right in his face before he can even get a word out.

What could he possibly say to that? 

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