Chapter 13

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"What the hell are you talking about?"

Ichigo is careful to keep his voice down. It's become obvious that Tarou doesn't want you to hear.

"I am not saying this because I dislike you. Quite the opposite. From just the short time that we've talked I can tell you're someone who cares a great deal for people. The way you spoke of your parents, siblings, friends. I'm grateful that you've taken care of (Y/N) up to this point, but you need to stop. For your own safety. There is a lot you don't understand."

"Then explain it to me." He was nearing his limit.

"You make some vague statement and expect me to just obey, like hell!"

"Calm down." The instruction just irritated him more.

"Then tell me what-"

"You're a soul reaper." Ichigo stops, eyes growing wide.

"No can he tell?"

"The second you walked in here I knew. You're probably wondering how. You don't feel a thing from me."

Ichigo was seething. He didn't like this one bit.

"The fact of the matter is, (Y/N) is dangerous. The longer you're around her, the worse it'll be for you. So I'm advising you to walk away while you still can." Ichigo's eyes shook.

A glass breaks behind them, and both males turn in shock. You were standing at the entrance of the hallway with a look of disbelief.


You could barely believe what you just heard.

"(Y/N), listen to me."

"You knew...this whole time you knew..." Your body was shaking as you clutched your head.


That's what he said.

You were dangerous.

Taking some unsteady steps back, Tarou reached out for you.

"(Y-Y/N) wait!"

You miss a step, and your legs caught as you fell backwards. Ichigo rushed forward to stop it, even though it was clear he wouldn't be able to do much. Your head hit the wall behind harshly, and your glasses fell right off, crashing to the ground. The minute it made an impact, the lens shattered, and Tarou's eyes grew wide.


The warning was too late. Ichigo grabbed you the second he was within reach.There was blood running down your forehead, and you felt a pulse, the same one that hit Ichigo the second his hands touched your skin. His knees buckled, and he dropped.

"W-What the hell..."

He felt somewhat paralyzed. You were still a bit disoriented from your own fall, so when you heard the thud, your heart dropped.


He was laying flat on the ground and his eyes were shut.


There he laid, on the floor, unmoving. 

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