Chapter 14

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You froze at your brother's words. Turning shakily, you watched as he moved closer, picking up your broken glasses. With them in his palm, you could see a faint glow. You couldn't explain what it was you were truly seeing, but when it faded, your glasses were as good as new.

"Put them on."

His tone felt a bit cold as he held out the glasses. You took it, fighting to keep your hands steady. Slipping them on, you looked back at Ichigo.

"I-Is he okay?"

"He'll be fine. He needs to rest. I'm going to take him to a nearby hospital. Don't leave the house or follow me. The further away you are from him, the better it will be." His words are like knives. As he lifts Ichigo up, you want to reach out, assist, do something. But your body refuses to do either.

Because you are the reason that Ichigo is hurt.

~Karakura Hospital~

"My head is.."

It felt like he'd been in a battle. Everything was sore. Ichigo opened his eyes, instantly shooting up at the foreign room.

The white room, pristine sheets.

"I' the hospital?"

He didn't even remember leaving your house. That's when it hit him.


"She's fine, you should be more worried about your own safety."

"Tarou, what the hell did you do to me!!"

Ichigo shoved the blankets off his body, about to storm over. His legs touched the floor, and he barely made a proper step before his legs gave out. He fell back onto the bed in shock.

"W-What.. Why can't I.."

"It's impressive that you're even awake so quickly. I was right, you aren't like regular soul reapers."

Ichigo's jaw was clenched, and Tarou knew if not for his weakened state he would be picking a fight right now.

"This may be beneficial, since you're fairly incapcitated, I can talk some sense into you. "

"There's nothing I want to hear from you." Ichigo used the bed to help him get to his feet. Even standing right now felt like a challenge. He took to minor steps, reaching for the table to support him.

"Aren't you curious about your current predicament? Just a few hours ago you were as strong as a horse, now you can barely walk."


"Whether you'd like to accept it or not, you know why you're so weakened. (Y/N) did this to you."

Ichigo said nothing and just lowered his head, trying to regain his breath. When the door creaked open, both gazes shifted.

"Ichigo.." Your meek voice said, you stepped inside, ready to run to his side, but Tarou grabbed your wrist.


"Let her go!!"

Ichigo moved to intervene, but his entire body crashed to the floor. He was panting in the floor, and you could see the build up of sweat on his forehead.

"N-Ni-san he's hurt!!" Tarou released your hand, and you ran to Ichigo's side, cradling his body in your hands. Your hand touched his forehead.

"He's burning up..."

His fever is high. Ichigo looks up at your sadden expression, a small smile on his lips.

"At least this didn't hit me.." He forced out. You were barely keeping it together, tears falling

"You are the reason he is weak, and it won't get any better as long as you remain at his side. '' Ichigo looked up, that frown still etched on his face at Tarou's words.

"You can make me out to be the villain, but it does not change the facts. (Y/N) has abilities that are beyond your control. She has the power to remove every ounce of spiritual pressure within your body."

The more he spoke, the deeper your heart sank. You want nothing more than to deny it. But at the moment, that's the only thing that makes sense. Ichigo only got like this after he touched you when you lost your glasses. The same glasses your brother fixed with some type of reiatsu he possessed.

"That's why your friends felt nothing when you switched with that darker side of you. (Y/N)'s abilities don't allow her to cloak spiritual pressure. They steal it. "

Neither you nor Ichigo could anticipate this.

"The reason I was so adamant on ending this friendship was to protect you, Ichigo. There is something different about you, something stronger. If (Y/N) succeeded in draining your soul reaper energy, eventually her body would seek out more. Whatever you have inside you would have undoubtedly been the next source of her abilities. Even I would not be able to tell you what could happen if she were able to tap into it."

It's a lie. It had to be.

"If that's the truth....then why has it not happened before? I've seen...her with her glasses off twice and nothing happened."

He needs this to be a lie.

"Something did happen, it was just so minor that your body did not pick up on it. Until a few weeks ago, she had very little memory of this world. It helped me to reinforce the glasses and her power. But you being in such close proximity to her has rooted that all up. If you'd never met, then she would have gone on without a hitch. Your abilities triggered her own. Because deep down you're not just a reaper, you are something more. That's what makes this dangerous. Believe me or not, if you continue to be friends, then ultimately, Ichigo you will die."

Right now more than anything you wish this was nothing but a horrible nightmare.

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