Chapter 6

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"What was that?"

Maybe you imagined it all. It's just so real. Those eyes were cold but somewhat..sad. You wrapped your hand over your shoulders at the chill that rushes up your spine.

"No one else saw. Was I really the only one who felt that?"

It was so strong. Since meeting Ichigo your senses have changed. You're more acute to what's going on. Until recently you couldn't even see those spirits. You spent the remainder of the day lost in your thoughts, and when school lets out, you stood in front of your locker. You were changing to your outdoor shoes, or trying to.


You flinch at the hand that's on your shoulder, jumping back. When you turn, there he is. Your heart strums in your chest, and you grip your shirt.


"I thought I imagined it before, but she really is afraid of me."

He planted a smile on his face.

"Didn't mean to scare you. Looked like you zoned out there."

His eyes were closed, and there's a smile on his face, but it doesn't feel genuine. For one this is the first time he's even smiled since you've met him.

"Well it's getting late, I should get going." He turns to leave, and you feel stuck in your spot.

"This is wrong.."

Why were you acting like this? How could you be afraid of Ichigo? He'd been nothing but nice to you, even though he didn't have to. He was even helping you understand this crazy world. This was the way you were showing your gratitude. Clenching your fist, you pitch forward. Ichigo staggers when he feels something grab his shirt. Turning slowly, he's taken aback. You looked so hurt.

"I-I'm sorry!! I-I didn't mean to act so mean Kurosaki-san! I'm sorry!!" You just kept repeating your apologies, and Ichigo's eyes softened. He turned fully, and you released his shirt. It's almost like you're begging for his forgiveness.

"I don't blame you for being afraid. It's alright if you'd prefer to-"


He stops.

"I-It's true t-that I'm scared, but it's only because I don't know. P-Please help me understand. I don't want to be afraid of you Kurosaki-san." He doesn't see that coming. The sincerity in your eyes is too much. He can't look at you right now, so he just nods.


Slowly but surely a smile makes its way on your face.


The both of you end up walking home together. Taking a detour, you find a pair of swings. You take a seat, and Ichigo follows. For a while you just bask in the silence. Your eyes drift to the sky, and Ichigo tracks your gaze. He needs a moment to gather his thoughts and ask the question that's been eating at him. But he's not so sure how to phrase it. His hand grips the rope of the swing.

"Back in the classroom, what exactly did you feel?" Your eyes move to him.

"I didn't really feel anything. But I saw your eyes change. They were topaz. Your skin also looked really pale."

Ichigo is silent again.

"Eh, that's a first. Didn't think a weakling like her would be able to sense my reiatsu. Guess I underestimated the chick."

Hichigo laughs boisterously in Ichigo's head.

"This isn't a laughing matter." Tensa lectures.

"Relax, it's not like she can hear us."

Ichigo grits his teeth, and the voices in his head become quiet.

You just observe his expression. For the first time there's a bit of conflict in his brown eyes. You feel responsible. Whatever this was, it's not easy for him to talk about. You puff your cheeks, inhaling loudly you let out a shout.


The yell startles Ichigo, and you're very thankful that there hadn't been many people walking by at the moment. Your cheeks are the color of strawberries, but you didn't care.

"W-When you saw me without my glasses you said this to me. E-Even if you have some kind of scary part, K-Kurosaki-san you're still a good person. S-So stop looking so sad!" Your eyes are tightly shut, because you've thoroughly embarrassed yourself.

Ichigo can't help it, he begins laughing, and your eyes slowly open at the melodic sound. He was smiling. Not the forced one he'd worn earlier. No, there was a brilliant smile on his face. You can barely believe it. He's laughing so much that you can see the tears begin to run at the corners of his eyes. Even when his laughter quiets down, his shoulders shake just a bit, and he wipes at the corner of his eyes.

You don't care if you just made a fool of yourself. You'd do it ten more times if it meant you could see that smile again.

"I didn't expect that. You're weird."

"Eh!! I'm the one who's weird!!" He's still wearing a smile, and you feel yourself getting shy again.

"I don't think it's right for him to look so handsome. Stop with the pheromones!!"

You take a couple breaths to calm yourself down.

"It's called hollowfication."

You tune in.

"If you're sure, then I guess I can tell you about it." 

It's taken a bit of courage for him to speak on it, and this time, you're the one who's smiling.

"Tell me everything." 

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