Chapter 23

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Waving goodbye to Orihime, you continue on with Ichigo.

"You've been acting weird, Ichigo." He jolts.

"What are you talking about?"

"You never asked me to come to lunch, and then you kept staring at me."

"Damn it was I being that obvious!!"

"I get why you are though."

His steps are slowing down.

"I know you're still worried, but I already told you I'm not gonna make any rash decisions. So you don't have to worry. Urahara-san's idea really helped. I feel a lot better. As long as I stay consistent, I'll be fine. So don't look so worried."

"Are you going to tell her the true reason you've been so preoccupied?"

Ichigo gulps at Tensa's query.

"That's not it."

Now you stop.

"Then what is it?"

He doesn't feel like he can really say it.

"I've just been thinking wouldn't be so bad if we were more than just.."

You tilt your head.

"More than just what?" His face brightens, much like a strawberry.

You place your hand on his forehead.

"Ichigo do you have a fever?"

He stumbles back.

"D-Don't just touch me like that out of nowhere!!"

"I was just worried. You're acting really weird, Ichigo."

Why was he getting so worked up? Just this morning you'd held his hand and he didn't seem to mind.

"You suck at this king."


It was bad enough his nerves were a mess. The less than motivating thoughts in his head weren't helping.

"Forget about it." He just sped walk the rest of the way, and you followed behind, clearly lost.


Ichigo's antics were still fresh in your mind, even after he dropped you home. He turned, waving as he left. When you stepped into your house, you tried raking your brain to figure out why he seemed so off.

"Maybe it's his birthday and I forgot about it!"

That's not possible, surely at least Orihime would have mentioned it.

"Could it be that he did badly on our last test and he needs help studying."

That could be it.

You jolt when you hear a knock on your door. Turning around, you pull it open.


He left less than ten minutes ago.

"Did you forget something?"

He nods, but you can't really see his eyes. So you usher him in as you close the door.

He takes one step, hooking his hand into your hair.


Your back hits the door softly, and you can hardly react. He's so close, and you shut your eyes tightly, heart racing.

"W-What's happening!!"

Did you hit your head?

You must be imagining this because his lips are...


His lips are so soft, and they move tauntingly over yours. You gasp when he pulls away, because you're finally allowed a breath. His chest is heaving slightly, and you're still unable to make out his eyes. His hands pressed to the door. Your heart is literally pounding. With Ichigo so close, you can feel his heartbeat as well.


His lips reconnect, and you grip at his shirt, legs shaking. He wasn't holding back. You can't stop the moan when his tongue slides past your lips. You're pulling at his shirt desperately. This was too much, so sudden. His hand slides down the door, wrapping around your waist at the very moment you feel your legs give out. He supports your weight. This time when he pulls back, you can finally see his face clear. There's a light blush on his cheeks, and his eyes are half lidded. The warmth you feel from his eyes is so strong.

"I like you, (Y/N)."

What a surprising turn of events.

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