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2013, the year the Harran Virus began. After years of pandemic, humanity finally prevailed in creating a vaccine but still the GRE continued it's research in secrecy for military purposes.

2023, the THV-GenMod was created and the GRE destroyed every major city, except for 1, Villedor.

2038, 15 years after The Fall, 23 year old Aiden had spent the last 4 years of his life as a pilgrim, searching for his sister, Mia. Always on the move, always going from place to place but with no luck. Then he heard about 1 last big city left standing, filled with people, the only bastion of humanity left.

Villedor was his last hope in finding Mia, but on his way there he got bit by a Volatile, so he stumbled his way into the bazaar in the middle of turning, not aware of what was happening to him. In the middle of the bazaar people trying to hang him, a man came to his rescue, that man was named Hakon. He would end up helping Aiden search for his sister in the city and Aiden agreed to help Hakon get out of the city and get to the ocean.

Along the journey in the city they ended up bonding and becoming friends, when they had finally found Mia, she was sick, very sick. Aiden only got a few hours with her to tell her about his journey, his life, how much he missed her and to say goodbye. They ended up burying her under a big oak tree with an amazing view. Aiden stayed there for a little while grieving for his sister which he found just to say goodbye to right after, Hakon also stayed there with him, comforting him, and making sure he was okay but also just letting Aiden know that he was there for him.

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