Chapter 9

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That same morning

It was an hour after the girls had left to get food when Hakon had woken up, slowly opening his eyes and squinting a little bit due to the sun shining in, he very quickly became aware of what position he was in. Lying on his right side, right arm under the pillow and his left arm around a certain pilgrim's waist, and barely 1 inch between his chest and Aiden's back.

He instantly lifts up his head and checks to see that the male was still asleep, dropping his head back on the pillow he let out a quiet sigh of relief, then he slowly retrieved his arm from Aiden's waist and rolled over onto his back to put some space between him and the male. Running a hand down his face, he stared up at the ceiling thinking about what the hell he was doing, after a few moments he had sat up on the side of the bed and ran a hand through his hair then glanced down to his shorts as they felt tight and uncomfortable ever since he woke up, then he saw why and cursed under his breath.

"Oh shit!"

Looking back to the sleeping figure behind him, his cheeks turned a bit red as he slowly got up and quietly speed walked to the bathroom. He came out 20 minutes later, seeing Aiden sitting on the edge of the bed with his back to him as he put on a clean shirt.

Please put on a shirt, I don't want to have to go back into the bathroom.

Hakon thought to himself as he tried to not watch the male's bare back as his mucles flexed as he pulled the shirt over his head. Feeling a bit awkward, he lightly coughed to try and break the silence, Aiden had stood up and turned to face Hakon as he realized that he wasn't the only one in the room anymore. After making eye contact for a few seconds, Hakon had moved away from the bathroom door to turn off the UV lamps on the dresser that was at the foot of the bed, then towards the living room door as he asked,

"Did you sleep okay, pilgrim?"

Following him into the living room, Aiden yawned then answered,

"Yeah, no nightmare that time. Thanks, Hakon."

Hakon watched as Aiden sat down on the couch while he took a drink from his water bottle, then tossed Aiden's at him as he replied,

"No problem, pilgrim."

Aiden then gave him a thankful smile and took a drink from his bottle, walking over to the couch, Hakon sat down while putting as much space between him and the man beside him. Noticing this and that he seemed a bit uncomfortable, Aiden furrowed his brows and asked,

"Are you alright, Hakon? You seem uncomfortable."

The man was not really sure what to say but he did not get the chance to as the door busted open and in came Haley and Skye carrying a few plates of food. Aiden threw one last concerned look at the nightrunner then turned his attention to the two girls and the things they were carrying. Hakon looked at the two feeling thankful that he no longer had to answer Aiden's question now that they were there.

"Good, you guys are up, we went out and bought food."

Skye said as she and Haley put the plates down on the table in front of them. The four sat and ate their fod while making light conversation, after they got done the females told them about the places they saw while out and suggested that they go explore a little bit.

"We found this really cool abandned book shop, there was also a park and alot of different thimgs people are selling. We should all go look around some more, yeah?"

Haley said enthusiastically as she looked back and forth from Aiden to Hakon, hoping that they would agree. Skye softly laughed at her girlfriend's eagerness but also secretly hoped that the two would say yes aswell. The males made eye contact for a moment then Hakon turned to the girls with a smile and said,

"Yeah, sure, that would be nice, I wanna search some dark zones anyway."

So, after they all cleaned up and gathered the things they would need, the four grabbed their backpacks and headed out of the apartment.

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