Epiloge 1

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It was around 9 in the morning when Hakon woke up to the sun peaking in through the blind on the glass door that lead to the balcony connected to their bedroom. They had managed to find a few houses that weren't in too bad of shape, seemingly abandoned when the Fall happened, so that only left the biters in the street and overgrown vines to be cleared before they could get inside. It didn't take long for them to search the houses, finding a few cans of food, water bottles, a closet full of old clothes and surprisingly a generator tucked away in the garage so they could set up permanent UV lamps.

Hakon and Aiden ended up taking the bigger house on the hill and Haley and Skye took the smaller house just next door. It was also a plus that they weren't too far away from a town so whenever they needed supplies or just wanted to stay in shape they would go search some buildings and stores, although they didn't do that too often cause they had a farm and they were too busy having a fence and defenses to set up as they were slowly expanding their safe area.

Fluttering his eyes open, Hakon immediately felt the warmth that was radiating from behind him and a weight around his waist, grabbing Aiden's hand that was resting on his stomach, he smiled as he sleepily intertwined their fingers and brought his hand up to kiss the back of the former pilgrim's hand. Just then he felt Aiden tighten his arms around him and nuzzle his head into his neck, making Hakon chuckle.

"Morning, mon amour."

"Hmm, morning."

Aiden said in return with his gravely morning voice and eyes still closed, so Hakon gently removed his hand from Aiden's and turned over so he ws now facing his partner who was seemingly determinded to keep him close as he kept his arm around Hakon and immedietly snuggled back into him as soon as he stopped moving causing the older male to laugh and put an arm around him to rest his hand on the back of Aiden's head, absentmindedly playing with his hair.

"So, what are we doing today?"

"This, all day, we're staying right here."

Aiden mumbled in response, as he placed gentle kisses to all of the scars that he could see on Hakon's chest.

"As great as that sounds, we can't, baby."

"What, why not?"

Aiden frowned as he backed away so he could look at the male's face, Hakon was never one to object to staying in bed all day, afterall they rarely got days as peaceful as this.

"Because I am taking you on a date, mon cheri."

Hakon said with a smile, knowing Aiden would enjoy that idea, afterall Aiden has been asking what it's like to go on dates and they have been together for awhile now so he thought it would be a good experience for them both, that and he had something he wanted to ask Aiden.

"Really? When? What are we gonna do?"

Aiden rambled as his face lit up with excitment which Hakon found adorable, placing a hand on the younger's chin bringing him in for a quick kiss then smirked as he said,

"Don't worry, I've got everything taken care of, you just be ready by 8."

"Alright, I can do that."

"Good, now, let's get up and make some breakfast."


It was just 10 minutes until 8 when Hakon was busy rolling up his sleeves on the nice button up shirt he found, standing infront of the full body mirror he fiddled with his clothes as he tried to calm his nerves, god he has never been this nervous before, taking a couple deep breaths he ran a hand through his hair then walked over to the dresser by the door that had a small velvet box on it, picking up the box and opening it slightly to make sure the contents are still there, he then put it in the pocket of his black slacks, then stepped out of the bedroom that Aiden made him get dressed in because he wanted his outfit to be a surprise or something, he seemed too adamant so Hakon didn't question him, it gave him an opportunity to let some of his nervousness out so he didn't mind.

Walking over, he took another deep breath then knocked on their bedroom door, slowly opened it after hearing a faint 'come in'. His eyes landed on Aiden who was standing at the end of the bed in his own button up and a nice pair of jeans with some black boots, scanning him from head to toe Hakon didn't know what to say, this was so different compared to his usual attire and yet he still looked so good, he wondered how he had got so lucky to be with Aiden, the man was too good for him.


Hearing his lover's voice snapped him out of his trance, clearing his throat as his eyes wandered back up to those gorgeous blue ones that he'd fallen so hard for.

"You look handsome, mon amour."

Hakon said, making a slight pink tone cover Aiden's face as he rubbed the hem of his shirt in between his finger tips, smiling back at the older man he replied as calmly as he could as he tried to not let any of the nervousness leak into his voice.

"Thanks, you don't look too bad yourself."

"Thank you, mon coeur."

Hakon spoke with his usual smirk then offered Aiden his hand to take as he opened the door of their bedroom as he said.

"Come on, I've made dinner."

After the younger took his hand and intertinded their fingers, Hakon guided him to the sliding glass door on the backside of the house, he then led him down a set of concrete steps that led down to a small patio on the beach that was set up with a string of UV lights hung on a canopy over a glass table which was ocuppied by a fancy looking set of plates which held an equally fancy looking meal along with silverware, a couple of glasses and a big bottle of wine.

Aiden who was standing there mesmerized at the beatifull sight was brought back to reality when Hakon walked over and pulled out a chair for him, after being seated Hakon then went over to his own chair and poured some wine for them both.

"How did you set all this up? Where did you even find stuff like this?"

"I had the girls help me, they were so excited whenever I told them about this."

The older male said as he remembered just how overjoyed Skye and Haley were, especially Skye. He and Aiden shared a laugh as the younger just shook his head not at all surprised.

"Of course, Skye was probably estatic."


A little bit later, they had both finished their dinner when they decided to take a short walk on the beach as the sun was setting and they knew they wouldn't be able to be outside much longer. A comfortable silence fell on them so Hakon took this opportunity to take Aiden's hand into his and place his other on his cheek as he stared into those baby blues that rivaled the beauty of the ocean.

"Aiden, I am so happy that you are here with me, so grateful that you helped me get here, I know I am not a good person, hell look what I've done to you in Villedor, but you still forgave me and you still loved me even when I didn't deserve it. You make me want to be a better person and I love you for that and  I want to keep you in my life for as long as possible so, Aiden, mon amour..."

Hakon trailed off as he took a deep breath then he saw Aiden's eyes widen as he slowly got down on one knee, pulling the small velvet box out and opened it in his hand, showing a set of matching rings, one a silver band with a ring of black diamonds in the middle, the other being the opposite, a black band with a silver diamond ring, then smiled up at his lover as he asked,

"Would you be my first husband?"

He said causing Aiden to laugh then a smirk came over his face when he replied,

"You know, I told you I wasn't the marrying type but I guess if it's you then I can make an exception, as long as I am your last and only husband, yes I will marry you."

Standing up, Hakon took Aiden's face into his hands as he kissed him, trying to channel all his love into that kiss, he wanted for Aiden to know how happy he's made him, that he is the happiest he's ever been in his life. Breaking apart, Hakon gently took Aiden's hand and slid the ring on, the other doing the same for him after. They just stood there for a moment, just enjoying the feeling, hands clasped together, forehead to forehead, when the older started to speak,

"We're husbands now, Aiden, till death do us part..."

Eliciting a kiss from the younger, staring into Hakon's warm chocolate brown eyes, feeling content, he whispered,

"Yeah, husbands... till death do us part."

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