Epiloge 5

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It has been almost 2 years after they had created their place on the oceanside and their settlement was now home to about 75 people aswell as a safe resting place for pilgrims or travellers that pass by. Skye and Haley were the ones to take leadership of their small community although Hakon and Aiden help out almost every day, on this particular day they had woken up later than usual because the day prior the girls told them to take a day for themselves.

After getting dressed and eating breakfast, Hakon and Aiden wandered out of their home and to the building that Skye and Haley had made into their makeshift office, walking in to find the two standing around a table staring down at it, hearing the door open they turn around to greet the men with smiles and furrowed brows.

"What are you two doing here? I thought we told you to take the day off."

Walking over to the table, Hakon let out a laugh and Aiden just smiled as they looked down at the table to see a map layed out, raising an eyebrow Hakon glanced from the map to the two women directly across from them and questioned,

"We got bored, what's happening here?"

"Well, we were gonna send some new people out to get familiar with the area and check a few places to make sure they're still safe."

Skye said as she gestured to the map which had a few places circled, looking up from the map Hakon turned his gaze over to Aiden who met his eyes as they seemed to communicate telepathically, Hakon raising an eyebrow and Aiden shrugging in return, Hakon turned back to the girls who were watching them curiously as they could never understand how they could just seem to always know what the other is thinking nevertheless they thought it was adorable so they never bothered to question it.

"We'll go with them, make sure they don't get in any trouble."

"Are you sure? It is your guy's day off..."

Aiden was the one to speak up this time, he waved his hand dimissively with a warm smile as he reassured her.

"Yeah, it's just a walk around and we need to practice our parkour anyway."

"Alright, thanks, we'll go round them up and you'll leave in 20."

Aiden gave them a silent nod while Hakon offered a thumbs up as they walked back out of the office and back to their home to grab their bags and gear, just in case.


Walking up to the gate, Hakon and Aiden saw a group of about 6 people, all looking to be relatively young but none to be younger than 20, with Skye standing infront of them as she gave them the breifing, her eyes landing on them as she waved them over to come up to the front, standing beside her they got a good look at the people they'd be travelling with as she started talking to them again.

"Guys, I'm sure you know who these two are but for those who don't, this is Hakon and his husband, Aiden, they are the ones who made this place and they have graciously volunteered to come with you guys so if you have any questions or anything goes wrong you can go to them. Okay, everyone understand what you're doing? Alright, well we'll see you guys when you get back!"

Skye said enthusiastically, offering them a smile as she walked away and left for Hakon and Aiden to take over, leading the group out of the safety of the walls.

It was all going fine, quite calm actually, peaceful, even as they all talked quietly amongst themselves aswell as asking the two men a few questions every now and then. That was all until Aiden stopped dead in his tracks making the entire group stop walking to look at him confused, Hakon turned to him and placed a hand on his shoulder as he looked at him worriedly after noticing the tense expression on his face.

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