Chapter 5

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The next morning, the two girls woke up earlier than the boys did, so they searched the bedroom that they spent the night in. Opening a cabinet on one of the bookshelves in the room, Haley saw that it was full of different card and board games,

"Hey, Skye, look at this." she looked over to Skye who was on the other side of the room looking at some books,

"Want to play a game?" Haley asked with a smile as Skye walked over and gazed at all the games, setting her eyes on Monopoly, she smirked back at her and said,

"You know how to play Monopoly?"

"Hell yeah, I do, but the question is, are you ready to lose?" Haley asked her with a laugh as she pulled the game out of the cabinet,

"pfft, uh huh, sure, I am the queen of Monopoly, let's do this." Skye opened the door to the hallway for Haley, they walked into the living room and set the game up on the coffee table and sat on the floor.

"Let the game commence."

2 hours later

Aiden was the first to wake up in the big king size bed, which he and Hakon shared but there was so much room that they had set up a wall of a few pillows and a big blanket in between them. Rolling onto his back, he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and looked over to Hakon's side of the bed, seeing that the said male is still asleep, he moved to sit on the edge of the bed and picked up his watch that was on the bedside table to check the time. The watch read 9:27 A.M. and this made Aiden sigh as it was later than he would usually wake up, after doing his morning routine and changing his clothes, he walked over to Hakon's side of the bed and shook him awake,

"Hakon, you gotta get up, we have to leave today." Hakon groaned as he rubbed his face and said,

"Yeah, alright, I'm up"

Being used to this type of situation, Aiden walked out of the bedroom and down the steps, he heard some laughing and bickering coming from the living room area as he venture towards it.

"What do you mean I owe you 350 bucks?! I can't afford that!"

"Well, I guess you could just trade me Park Place and we would be even."

"Like hell I'm giving you Park Place!"

Aiden leaned against the doorway of the living room with his arms crossed as he quietly laughed, after watching the two women play Monoploy for a few minutes he heard footsteps coming down the stairs, he looked to his right as Hakon stopped beside him with an amused look on his face.

"Where the hell did they find Monopoly?" he asked Aiden with a chuckle to which Aiden just shook his head and said,

"I honestly have no idea."

Finally noticing them standing in the doorway, Skye laughed and yelled at them,

"You two just gonna stand there or are you gonna join in?"

Hakon took a couple steps forward and turned around to make eye contact with Aiden as he smirked and said,

"What do ya say, pilgrim? We can leave in a couple hours, yeah?" seeing how confident Hakon was, he glanced over to Skye and Haley's excited faces as he thought about it, making eye contact with the male infront of him again, Aiden smiled and said,

"Alright, we can play one game but I will warn you, I am pretty good, so be prepared to lose."

They all laughed as they sat down on the floor around the coffee table and set up a new game. After an hour and a half that was filled with laughter, arguing and a little bit of friendly violence, they finally finished the game with Hakon having the most money, Aiden having the most properties but no money, Skye with just Boardwalk and Park Place and Haley with all the railroads.

"How are you so good at this?" Haley asked Hakon as they figured out who had the most money, to which Hakon just shrugged and laughed as he said,

"I didn't brag before we started, never reveal that you are good at something." she just nodded to cover up the shock she felt as she realized just how smart he actually was.

After they all had agreed that Hakon had won considering that he was the one with the best stuff, they put the game back in it's box, even though they wanted to play another game, Aiden reminded them that they had to leave and told the girls to gather their things, he also allowed them to bring the board game along with a deck of cards. It was almost noon when they finally managed to pile into the car with Hakon driving, Aiden in the passenger seat and Skye and Haley in the back.

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