Chapter 15

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Once the doctor came back in, gave them a lecture about changing bandages and cleaning their injuries she gave them the all clear to go back to their apartment. By the time they made it back and into their door the sun was already coming up and they heard two voices coming from inside their place. As Aiden opened the door they were met with two very worried and paniced girls who immedietly bombarded them with questions.

"Where the hell have you two been? We've been worried sick!"

"Woah, what did you do, guys, how did that happen?"

Skye and Haley said as they rushed over to help them over to the couch even though they could walk by themselves, then sat down on the coffee table in front and waited for one of the men to explain.

"Well, we found a mall and we didn't know there was a Volatile in it..."

Aiden said as he flashbacked to that terrifying moment, the same worry and fear of seeing the person he loves on the verge of death flowing through his veins once again. Feeling the uneasiness coming from the male to his left, Hakon looked over to see Aiden with his teary eyes downcasted to his hands as he looked at the dried blood that was still on them, so Hakon reached over and grabbed one of his hands entertwining there fingers as he spoke, not only to the girls but to his boyfriend aswell.

"But we're both alive, and we'll just need a few weeks to heal then we can get back on the road."

Aiden closed his eyes and let out a sigh, trying to focus on the feeling of Hakon's hand in his, reminding himself that he's okay, when he looked back up to Skye and Haley eyeing their intertwind hands with smiles on their faces.

"And are you gonna explain that to us?"

Skye said pointing to their hands with an excited glimer in her eyes causing Aiden to rub the back of his neck as a blush made it's way to his cheeks and Hakon to laugh at Aiden's flustered face once again. Saving Aiden from being even more uncomfortable, Hakon took it upon himself to answer her question.

"Well, when you think you're gonna die, it makes you say things that you've been holding in for a while and then when I woke up, it turns out that my knight in shining armor feels the same way."

Aiden moved his hand up to his face to kiss the back of Hakon's hand, causing Skye to squeal in excitement and Haley to put an arm around her waist with a big smile as she began to say,

"Well, we are happy for you guys."

After a little bit of questioning from Skye wanting to know every detail of their confessions, they decided it was time for bed so once the girls went back to their place across the hall, Hakon and Aiden went into the bathroom to change and clean the blood off of themselves. Once they got all cleaned up, the two walked back into the bedroom and crawled into bed, feeling comfortable enough Aiden snaked his arm around Hakon's waist and pressed his forhead to bak of the male's neck, breathing in his scent. The older man just let out a soft sigh as a smile creeped onto his face, letting a hand rest over Aiden's that had settled on his stomach, he just shut his eyes enjoying the content feeling as he slowly let himself fall into sleep.

3 weeks later

"You girls got all your things?"

"Yup, we're good to go."

They all four met up in the hallway just outside the doors of the apartments they had spent the past three and a half weeks in. After making sure they had all their belongings, the four walked out of the building and to the front gate of the settlement, making sure to wave goodbye to the guards and the few people they had become acquainted with over the past weeks. They all made their way outside and to the car they had hidden whenever they first arrived, surprised it was not touched while they were there, Aiden who managed to convince Hakon to let him drive for awhile got into the driver's seat while the nightrunner took the passenger seat and the girls in the back.

10 hours later it was just about 7 in the evening and the sun started to set, Aiden who was driving once again after switching back with Hakon a couple hours prior started to look for a place to stop for the night when the trees became less dense around the edges of the road, then suddenly he was seeing one of the most amazing views he had seen in all his years as a pilgrim. Pulling over to the side of the road on a gravel patch that was mostly overgrown with weeds, he was careful not to wake up the sleeping girls in the back when he put a gentle hand on his lover's shoulder and whispered,

"Hakon, wake up,"

"Hmm, 5 more minutes, mon chéri."

Hakon groaned in response making Aiden chuckle as he gently shook him and said,

"I think you're gonna want to see this."

Bringing a hand up to rub his face, Hakon just yawned as he looked over to Aiden who was smiling at him making a confused look fall over his face, so Aiden tilted his head to his left then opened his door and got out, finally making Hakon realize what he meant. Also exiting the car, Hakon walked to the edge of the gravel area and gazed at the view infront of him with wide eyes, the ocean was right there, with sand and small beach houses that looked to be free from the infected. Footsteps coming from behind him and gentle arms making their way around his waist snapped him out of his daydreaming of finally being able to do all the things he wantedand live the way he always dreamt about.

"I can't believe we made it, Aiden. I never thought... I always thought it was just a dream."

"Well, sometimes dreams come true, get ready for our new life, mon coeur."


Alright guys, first of all I would like to say thank you so much for reading, whenever I was contemplating putting this on here I DID NOT think it would get nearly as many reads or any at all as it has so thanks so much, I hope you enjoyed as much as I did. Also I apoligize if it wasn't any good cause this is my very first ever fanfiction and I was literally just typing as I imagined it happening not really editing anything so it means alot that you've read this far. But now that it's ended I will be doing a few more chapters that will be epiloge sort of stuff as I have a few ideas but they won't really be connected to eachother so they will be like oneshot epiloges so just various moments that I want to write out but will fit in as after they start living on the beach and set up a small safe area. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did writing it and thank you so much for choosing to spent your time reading this. :)

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