Epiloge 4

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Just a little warning here, this chapter is gonna have some smut in it so if you don't like that then I suggest not reading this. :)


It was only a month after they made it to the beach and to what they now call their home when Hakon had found out one of Aiden's secrets, found out that his boyfriend does not wear underwear. The way that he made his discovery was... exciting to say the least.

"Hakon, come on, we've got to get the supplies before morning."

Aiden called from the front door of their home while Hakon was busy shoving the last few things in his backpack that he thought they would need, they weren't planning on being out for more than a few hours but he thought it would be better to bring some extra things just incase.

"I'm coming! Ready."

Hakon said making his way out of the bedroom and towards the front door in the living room that was currently occupied by an impatient looking Aiden, silently waiting by the front door, a hand grasping his backpack strap that was hung from his left shoulder. A smirk immedietly made it's way onto Hakon's face after seeing Aiden who looked slightly annoyed, he could feel the need to tease the man start to course through his veins.

"You ready to go, princess?"

"I'm the one that's standing here- yes, I am ready to go."

Aiden said trying not to get angry, making the other let out a chuckle, he would always love riling the younger up after all it was entertaining and too easy so he could never resist. Opening the door, Hakon stepped aside and made a motion with his hand letting the other man go first, eliciting an eye roll from him as he quietly snickered again, turning around to close the door behind them. Walking down their small driveway, Aiden took out his radio and pressed the button down before speaking into it,

"Skye? Haley? Me and Hakon are headed to search for some supplies, we should be back before sunrise."

He waited a few moments before some static came through then a feminine voice.

"Alright, just radio if things go sideways and we'll be on our way to rescue you."

"Will do."


All things were going well so far, they had gotten 90% of the stuff they needed, only had a few instances of having to take out a few infected but nothing they couldn't handle. It felt almost too easy, it made Aiden a bit suspicious and slightly paranoid as he checked over his shoulder for the forth time after they had cleared out the store they were currently in. It seemed Hakon had noticed Aiden's apprehension as he tried to lighen the mood.

"Hey Aiden, you'd look great in this."

Hakon said drawing Aiden's attention to him as he walked to him with a sly smirk and held up a bright blue dress. Aiden just shook his head as a small smile creeped onto his face.

"No, Hakon, I am not wearing that so put it down."

Making Hakon shrug as he turned around to put the dress back to wear he found it.

"Fine, but you would look hot, really bring out your eyes."

"We're supposed to be finding supplies not clothes shopping and stop flirting with me, Hakon, it won't end well."

Aiden warned, with an intense look on his face as he made eye contact with the older man who had an eyebrow raised along with a smirk plastered to his lips. And as much as Hakon had wanted to question what the younger meant, he couldn't deny that he had a point and he would have an opportunity to tease him whenever they got back home anyways, so he just raised his hands in surrender although the smirk never left his face. They quickly finished searching the store then made their way back to the slightly ajar door they had entered through, slipping back out onto the street making sure to be as quiet as possible.

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