Chapter 10

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The four had walked around the settlement just exploring when they ended up in the middle of the shopping center where all the residents had their shops set up and merchandise out. The girls had wanted to search some old abandoned shops so they had decided to split up. So, it was the nightrunner and the pilgrim once again. The two men strolled down this small street as they looked at what the people were selling when something caught Aiden's eye.

Walking up to the stand, he gazed down at all different types of bracelets that looked to be handmade, some had beads, some were just fancy braided rope type material, others had little crystals on them. Then his eyes landed on one paticular bracelet, one made from braided black leather and a stone in the midde that had something carved into it.

"Hey Hakon, come look at this. Does this look familiar?"

He asked the male as he walked over to Aiden's side. Taking a look at what the pilgrim was looking at, a smirk creeped onto his face as he recognized the symbol carved into the stone.

"Yeah, it looks like the nightrunner's eye."

Hakon said as he picked it up to get a closer look. Glancing over at the two males, the woman who was selling the bracelets along with other jewlery that was there, walked away from a couple she was talking to and over towards them as she ran a hand through her long black hair.

"You would be correct, handsome, that is, indeed the famous nightrunner's eye."

She said in a flirtatious tone with a smile directed at Hakon. The slight smile that was on Aiden's face was immedietly replaced with an eyeroll as he heard what she had called the man standing beside him. The nightrunner noticed the small action and laughed then asked the lady,

"How much for it?"

"20, but for you, I can do 15, honey."

The woman flirted as she brushed her hair behind her ear. Feeling annoyed by this, Aiden quickly got the money out of his backpack and put it down on the stand in front of her then picked up the bracelet. Hakon looked over to Aiden with raised eyebrows as he felt a hand grip his wrist, he then looked back at the lady and gave her a small wave as the pilgrim pulled him through the street and passed all the other shops.

They had eventually made their way to what seemed to be a small park area, so they found a empty bench and sat down on it.

"You good there, pilgrim? You can let my hand go now."

Hakon smirked as he looked at the male on his right. Aiden just looked down to his left hand that was still wrapped around Hakon's wrist, dropping his hand then running a hand through his hair, Aiden just looked anywhere but at Hakon as he said,

"Oh yeah, sorry about that."

Hakon looked away from Aiden's face and down to his wrist as he thought to himself, looking back up at the people that were walking around and the environment around them and asked,

"What was that about, pilgrim?"

"She was annoying and I didn't want to wait around for you to make her your fifth wife."

Aiden said jokingly as they both shared a laugh. Hakon just shook his head and replied,

"Nah, we don't have time for that. We have to get to the beach, that's all I want."

Hearing this made Aiden raise a brow, ever since he met Hakon all he's heard about is how many women he's been with, how many wives he's had, so this was a bit unusual for him.

"Really? What about after we get there, then?"

"I don't know, maybe if I find the right person, I don't want to make the mistakes I have in the past, I know that. What about you, pilgrim? You said you've never had a woman, so are you gonna settle down?"

Hakon asked, turning his head to look at Aiden with his classic smirk, bringing out a light chuckle from the man.

"I would be open to a relationship once we get to the beach, I'll finally be in one place for a long time, ya know?"

Aiden glanced over at the male to see him nod, then looked back down at his hands as he remembered that he still had the bracelet. He twirled it around in his hand a couple times then handed it over to Hakon.

"Here, it's yours, I bought it for you, nightrunner."

"Thanks, pilgrim, looks like I'll have to get you something now."

They both sat there for a little bit until they decided to go find Skye and Haley, so Aiden called over his radio and asked where they were and after a few seconds Skye's voice came through.

"We are at a abandoned comic store called 'Mystical Fantasies', it's at the end of the street with all the shops."

"Alright, we are on our way."

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