Chapter 12

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I hope everyone had a good 4th of July, and if you didn't celebrate, I hope you had a good monday! :)

After searching some small shops and finding not much of anything, they eventually found themselves making their way into a big shopping mall. A few minutes later, Hakon and Aiden walked through the mall, going into all the stores that looked to have useful or valuable things and searching them. They stayed silent most of the time and crouched so the did not wake up the sleeping beauties that were around, with UV lights in hand they searched a few stores and took all the things that they needed.

Then they stumbled into what used to be a food court, with a multitude of tables and chairs around and 7 or 8 diffterent restaurants to get food from, but now it looked all dark and void of any signs of life. Walking around, Hakon had wondered if there was any food left in one of the restaurants that wasn't expired while Aiden had thought about what a place like that had looked like when it was once full of people and no one had to worry about getting infected or alerting the infected.

While Aiden was busy looking at the menus and wondering what all the food items were, Hakon was busy searching one particular place for varius foods.
Couple minutes go by, then Aiden was startled by a sudden noise of a napkin holder falling on the tile floor. He snapped his head in the direction of the noise and saw Hakon standing beside a counter along with the fallen napkin holder, giving him a look that said 'WTF are you doing?' Aiden just stood there as Hakon responded with a shrug and a head nod to his left, he then turned and started walking in the direction of the other end of the mall.

As Aiden started to follow Hakon, he immedietly stopped as he saw a Volatile sprint up and swiped it's claws across his abdomen, intantly getting his clothes stained with blood. Running back up to him it quickly grabbed Hakon by the throat and lifted him into the air, finally realizing what was happening, Aiden ran up to the Volatile and slashed it in the back causing it to throw Hakon to the wall as it quickly turned around to hit Aiden away. It struck Aiden and sent him flying backwards into a couple of tables and chairs, lying on the ground Aiden saw the Volatile turn back around and start heading back over to a unconscious Hakon, then he heard a fimiliar beeping causing him to look down at his bloodied wrist to see his biomarker turn red.

As Aiden stood back up, he felt the effects of the infection and a sudden surge of strength. So, he charged at the Volatile, tackling it, Aiden tore it to pieces, he didn't even care nor could he tell which blood was his or not as he made sure it was dead, afterwards he still felt the infection so he didn't bother to look at his own wounds before he ran over to Hakon's side who was leaning up against the wall still unconscious and covered in blood. The image of an unresponsive Hakon along with cuts that were seeping blood, made Aiden become frantic as he tore off a part of his sleeve and press it onto Hakon's side as to stop most of the bleeding, then he tried to shake Hakon as he called to out him.

"No no no, wake up, come on, wake up, Hakon!"

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