Chapter 11

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After they had found their way back to the stores, Hakon and Aiden started looking for the place Skye had described. It didn't take long for them to spot it, there was 'Mystical Fantasies' written on the front in fancy cursive font, with copies of various comics, figurines, video games, and a couple of pride flags in the windows.

"Is it a surprise to you that they are the ones that found this place, pilgrim?"


Hakon just laughed as he opened the front door and walked in with Aiden following close behind him. Looking around the place that was iluminated in purple UV light, they saw all the mostly empty shelves and displays but also a few things that were left. As they had not yet seen the two girls they were lokking for, Aiden called out,

"Skye? Haley? You here?"

After a few seconds Skye appeared behind the counter to their left with a smile.

"Hey guys! Cool place, right?"

"Yeah it's really cool."

"Eh, I'm not a big comic and video game guy."

Skye and Aiden looked to Hakon with offended looks to which he just laughed and shrugged. Rolling her eyes, Skye turned toward a door that was behind her and opened it as she said,

"Alright, come on, I got something to show you."

Following her through the door, they are immediately met with an amazing sight. It was a room filled with UV lights hanging from the ceiling, posters all over the walls, a furry rug, some shelves filled with various items on display, and a black couch that flipped into a bed which Haley was sitting on surrounded by piles of comics and books.

"Wow, you guys have found a really nice place, huh?"

Aiden said as he took a chair from the table that was in the corner. Hakon did the same and Skye sat down beside Haley on the couch.

"Yeah, look at these, this room was locked whenever we found this place and when we finally got in, these beauties were just sitting out on the table."

Haley said as she held up a couple comics for the two to see. Skye just giggled at the excited expression on her face.

"Those are nice. I've never really got to read any comics because I had time but I would, unlike Mr. Cool over here who doesn't even like them."

Aiden said with a smirk as he gestured to the male on his right. As he saw the clearly offended look on Haley's face, he knew exactly what was going to happen.


After a ten minute lecture from Haley, she handed them both a comic and they all hung out for a while there, just reading comics, talking, playing a few games, and eating snacks. A few hours went by and Aiden checked his watch, it was a little after seven so that meant it was nighttime already.

"Hey, guys, it's dark already so we should head back to the apartments."

"Well, I'm going to search a few dark zones if you guys want to head back"

"I'll come with you, Hakon."

"Alright, well, me and Haley will head back once we pack up."

Aiden just nodded and opened the door, Hakon gave a salute to the girls then headed out with Aiden following suit.

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