Chapter 4

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Another week passed in a blur, only difference now was that they didn't have to walk but worry about getting gas from other cars, but that wasn't too difficult; so they had managed to travel alot farther than they estimated in a week. It seemed they turned 3 months of walking into 2 months of driving, so they were eager to keep it this way and not take any chances when it came to the car. Every time they went to a settlement they would park it further away and out of sight as to keep it from being seen, to minimize the chances of it being taken, damaged, or searched. Most of the time, they opted to just spend the night in a random building or house unlike when they first were on the road.

This particular day, they found a house that was in surprisingly good shape, so they had stayed there for a few extra days to armor up the car. As they were busy putting some metal plates and spikes on the exterior, along with some solar powered UV lights on the inside, they suddenly heard voices, a couple of women's voices.

"I don't know, Skye, we've been to how many places, and they either don't like us or don't even let us in. Do you really think we'll find a place for us, somewhere we can just live and not have to worry all the time?"

"Yeah, I do, even though it may seem impossible, I believe there is a place out there for us, we just have to find it."

Aiden and Hakon looked around to spot the two young women who the voices belonged to, they glanced at eachother then walked down the pavement that made up the driveway and towards the women who were walking down the road. Hakon was the first one to speak,

"Need any help, ladies?" he said startling the women who were talking to eachother, causing them both to look at the men infront of them,

"Oh no, sorry, my name is Skye and this is my girlfriend, Haley, although most people just call us pilgrims, we were just passing through, looking for a place to live." the girl with black hair with bright blue ends and light blue eyes said nervously, as she glanced over to the girl beside her that had light brown hair and green eyes

"Well, I'm Hakon and this is Aiden, we are actually doing the same thing except we are headed to the beach." Hakon said with a smile as Aiden thought about their conversation they accidentally overheard just a few moments prior along with what Skye had just told them,

"Why are you searching for a place to live? There are plenty of settlements around." Aiden asked not understanding why they haven't stayed somewhere yet, hearing this the other girl, Haley, spoke

"Every place we have been to, the people judge us, and don't like us either because we're gay or pilgrims, or they just don't even let us in because they don't trust us. When all we want is an accepting place where we don't have to worry on a daily basis, you know?" she said sadly with a hint of anger, Aiden looked down knowing full well what it's liked to be judged and not trusted, he's had to deal with that for the past 4 and a half years and he was tired of it, that was a main reason as to why he was so willing to go to the ocean with Hakon, he felt their pain,

"Yeah, I know what that's like, I was a pilgrim for the past 4 and a half years but since I promised Hakon I would get him to the ocean, we are just gonna live there and make a place for ourselves." Aiden told them as Hakon looked over at him with a smile remembering their deal, the ocean, surfing together, just living.

As Skye glanced between the two men infront of them, pondering on what Aiden had said, she nervously asked,

"Could we come with you? I mean, it doen't look like we are gonna find a place for us anytime soon and you guys seem to be in the same situation we are, I think we could help each other, yeah?"

Aiden and Hakon glanced at each other, not really having to say anything to be on the same page,

"Sure, you can tag along, but it's gonna be dangerous, also are you sure you want to stay with us if we actually get to the beach? You don't want to find somewhere that's more safe?" Aiden said making sure the girls knew what they getting into,

"We have been on the road for a while, we are used to danger and this seems to be the best option we have right now so yeah, we're sure, plus Haley has never seen the ocean." Skye nodded and nudged the shorter girl beside her causeing Haley to laugh.

"And us, gays, have to stick together!" she said turning her attention back toward the males infront of her with excitement painted on her face,

"Oh, no, uhh, w-we aren't together like that." Aiden said as he awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck while Hakon just laughed at her comment, hiding the stabbing feeling of sadness that came with the realization that Aiden seemed uncomfortable at the suggestion of them being a couple.

"Oh, oops, my bad, I just thought... nevermind, forget I said anything, please." Skye laughed shyly as her cheeks turned a light shade of pink.

After that situation was cleared up they all went into the house to eat and get to know one another, they all ended up becoming friends very quickly as they all told their stories, their pasts, and just more about themselves, it felt like Skye and Haley became their little sisters in a way. Eventually, they all made their way to seperate rooms to get some sleep after Hakon and Aiden finished fixing up the car. The next day they would continue on their way, this time with two like-minded and wayward allies.

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