Epiloge 2

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Man, writer's block is not fun, it took me way longer than normal to write this and with the very slightest idea that I did have about what this chapter was gonna be, went straight out the window like half way through. Along with that, I also wrote this really late at night so I was really tired which I'm sure did not help, but I hope you enjoy anyway. :)


It's been almost 2 years since they had made it to what they now call their home, a year and a half since they built walls and offered a safe place for pilgrims and people to rest, and only a month off of the date of which they declared themselves husbands. And so far, there haven't been too many problems, of course they had the usual of dealing with the infected, virals, howlers, biters, on very rare occasions a volatile but nothing they couldn't handle, especially when Aiden's infection seemed to flare up whenever he thought Hakon was in danger, even though he was more than capable of dealing with trouble on his own.

Strangely enough, every time he seemed to be turning, the more he could control it, he seemed to be able to differentiate between friend and foe; although when it came to his husband he didn't have to try as hard, it seemed the volatile side of him has already claimed Hakon as him as his mate and could recognize him by smell alone, but when it came to Skye and Haley, well, the first time they witnessed his turning Hakon had to stand in between them and distract Aiden so they could get back to the house.

He also noticed the more control he gained over that part of himself, his sense of smell, hearing, and vision seemed stronger, clearer, and he was just overall stronger physically too. Not only did he seem to be stronger but Hakon had apparently gained some strength from him, ever since Aiden had accidently bit him due to being caught up in the moment and overwhelmed in emotions one night, they both noticed he was healing faster than usual, the handprints, hickeys, and slight bite marks Aiden would give him faded faster than they used to, along with the occasional scrape or cut he would get while exploring dark zones and fighting infected. They never really did anything about it considering it was a good thing so they just let it be, although it would secretly annoy the volatile part of Aiden's subconscious and he would be itching to put at least one mark back on the man's neck, just to show that he belonged to Aiden, to tell everyone he was taken.

That instinct only seemed to intensify whenever more people decided to stay in their little community, it got so bad to a point where Aiden had unintentionally let out a low growl and his eyes seemed to lighten whenever Hakon had said that he wanted to go out and help train some new people in combat and parkour, so after they talked and Aiden had finally told his husband what he was experiencing, Hakon had just walked over to him and pulled the collar of his shirt down as he tilted his head to the side, giving Aiden a wink just saying,

"Go for it, mon amour, you know I like them too."

So now, everytime they leave their house, Aiden makes sure to make at least one visible mark on his lover, and by now no one even questions it, everyone knows Hakon belongs to Aiden and Aiden belongs to Hakon, simple as that. Although some people had to learn that the hard way, after quite a few people had also started to call their settlement home aswell, there seemed to be a common area where most people would hang out, a sort of outside park type place with benches and UV lights strung up along with a small building not too far away that would serve drinks and food, a few people were inside this bar space when a couple of men started drinking, talking and got on the topic of people the found attractive when one of them saw Hakon standing alone leaning against the wall near the door. A few minutes later, he stumbles over to Hakon even after many warnings from his friends not to, starts trying to flirt with the nightrunner, who was obviously getting more and more annoyed by the second, didn't have to wait long until a very fimiliar, VERY pissed off face appeared behind the man.

Letting out a deep growl that could be heard clearly all through the small bar, Aiden grabbed the man's collar, yanked him backwards and landed a particularly hard punch to the male's face then sent him sliding across the floor back to his frends. Hakon just stood there with his signature smirk plastered on his face as he had an idea of what was going to happen, but seeing as Aiden didn't seem to want to stop and was focused on beating up or killing this man, Hakon decided that he should probably step in.

"Alright, Aiden, I think he understands, we're good now."

The older man said has he gently put a hand on his lover's shoulder, making Aiden snap out of red hot rage, feeling the intense want to kill this guy and shifted his predator like gaze onto Hakon, peircing white eyes drilling into dark brown ones as they made eye contact, turning around, Aiden snaked his arms around Hakon's waist as he nuzzled his nose into the crook of his neck, taking in the sweet scent while he closed his eyes for a few seconds then opening them to reveal that they had turned back to their original blue color, while keeping his arms firmly hooked around the man's waist, Aiden pivoted around him so that he was now behind him and his chest was pressing into his husband's back, while glaring at the man who was still on the floor and had a black eye already forming, he states in a low and intimadating tone,

"He's mine, you got that? So, don't even try unless you actually want to die."

After receiving a terrified look along with a quick nod, Aiden was finally satisfied and dragged Hakon out of there and back to their house. That was when almost everyone became a little afraid of Aiden, after hearing what he could do, no one wanted to even speak to them for about a week after that but eventually the fear faded and it made it's way around that Aiden is just super protective and possessive of his husband so most stayed on his good side. Hakon on the other hand, wasn't as intimadating or violent when it came to jealousy, albeit he only felt jealous one time because he never really had the problem of people hitting on Aiden as they already knew he had a partner.

It was one night when they took a relatively new group of people on a run into the town to search some dark zones when a young girl who looked to be about nineteen had tripped and twisted her ankle while on their way back to their community, Aiden being the nice man that he is, offered a hand to help her up and let her lean on him as she limped her way back to the group and right before he passed her off to someone else, she looked up at him with wide doe eyes and asks if he has a girlfriend, hearing this Hakon lets out a laugh, walks over to Aiden and puts his hand over his, making the girl look down to their hands, rings shining in the moonlight side by side, glancing back up with a shocked expression as Hakon gives her a small smirk.

"No, but he does have a husband."

As Aiden looked from his husband's smug expression to the embarrassed girl, he interlaces their fingers to give Hakon's hand a loving squeeze, rings clinking together, he offers the girl a small smile along with a muttered,


Making her go red in the face and stumble over her words, trying to string together an explination and apology. It almost made Aiden feel bad while it just amused the older man at his side who released his hand and looked to a boy who was only a little bit older than the girl and said,

"Don't worry about it, just try not to hit on my husband again, yeah? Hey, Louis, come help Camille, we've got to get back."

Making the boy come over and put an arm around the flustered girl, meanwhile Hakon had grabbed Aiden's hand once again and pulled them towards the front of the group and started leading the group the rest of the way back. After a couple minutes, Hakon had noticed the younger male staring at him with a smile on his face.

"What are you smiling about, pilgrim?"

"I love when you get jealous."

"Well, it is my right as your husband, don't forget, Aiden, your mine too."

"Yeah, I'm yours and I love you."

Aiden said with the most blissful look as he lifted Hakon's hand that was clasped in his own to kiss the back of his knuckles, making his partner sigh and rub small circles on his hand with his thumb in return.

"I love you too, mon coeur."

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