Chapter 14

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3 hours later

Hakon flickered his eyes open, blinking a few time to get his vision to focus. Once he managed to see clearly he immiedietly felt his head throb with a searing headache, clutching his head he slowly sat up and let his legs freely hang from the side of the table he was on, groaning in the process which made the sleeping man on the couch snap open his eyes. Sliding a hand down from the side of his head to his neck, he felt the bandages and wondered just how he was alive, he should be dead right now.

"Careful, don't move too much and try not to touch them, don't want to rip your stitches."

Aiden said as he gazed over at the other man with a worried expression making Hakon look up to meet his eyes as he just realized that he wasn't alone in the room. Then, as soon as he looked into Aiden's eyes he flashed back to the mall, what he told the younger man, he finally said everything that has been on his mind for quite a while now, but he only said that then because he was sure that he was gonna die, he didn't have any plans as to what was gonna happen after and frankly he didn't care about the consequences of the words that were coming out of his mouth in the moment but now, now he wasn't sure what to do, he wasn't used to being vulnerable like that or at least not after everything in Villedor. Suddenly realizing all this and not knowing what Aiden was gonna say if anything at all made him look down as to hide the slight pink tone coming over his face and ears, and if he was honest he also didn't want to see Aiden's face if and when he said he didn't feel the same way and didn't feel comfortable being around him anymore, he also didn't want to let him see the tears that were threatening to fall from his eyes at the thought of not having the other man in his life anymore, as he mentally scolded himself for ruining everything good in his life.

It was just then he heard the sound of a couple footsteps as he saw shoes appear in his line of sight which was aimed down at the floor, and felt a gentle hand under his chin guiding his head upward so he would look at the pilgrim's face that was just infront of his. Feeling his heart rate pick up under that soft gaze that the man was giving him made his head spin when finally after a few seconds of staring, Aiden started to speak.

"You know I've had some time to think about what you said, did you actually mean it?"

Hearing this made Hakon feel a bit confused, just what did Aiden think? Did he think that Hakon was a man would lie about something like that? Even if he was, why would he say it then? He knew he wasn't a good man, but no, he would never lie about that, never about love and especially if it was about the pilgrim, god, he was turning soft and that nervous looking face certainly wasn't helping.

"Yeah, I-uh-I meant it."

He said in a whisper, afraid that Aiden would bolt if he heard it but still felt compelled to answer him. He watched nervously, waiting for the man to walk out and to never return, but all he saw was the younger man's lips curve up into a smirk as he said just one word before shocking Hakon.


And as quickly as that word came out the pilgrim moved his hand from Hakon's chin to the back of his head, effectively pulling him in for a kiss. The man just let out a surprised yelp before he registered what was happening then flickered his eyes shut, melting into the kiss. Finally breaking apart to catch their breath, Aiden leaned his forhead against Hakon's as he started to say,

"I've never felt anything like this for anyone before, I never had the chance to be in a relationship because I was constantly moving, always focused on survival but when I met you, you saved my life and helped me, I got so attached, so used to all your smart comments and the nicknames you called me, whenever I would be on my own helping people I always secretly wondered when I would see you again, wondered if you were even okay, even after I swore we were done. I didn't even realize what it was until now, but looking back I was so worried about you, I can't believe I fell so quickly and I don't even know why but all I know is that I love you too, Hakon."

The nightrunner just sat there, staring into the pilgrim's eyes with wide eyes as he listened to him ramble on, he felt like he was dreaming, silently questioning if this was his version of heaven or just some crazy hallucination because of the pain but he knew from the feeling of that kiss that this was really happening.

"You-you love me?"

Hakon questioned still just staring at the male with a shocked expression like he didn't hear Aiden's word vomit just moments ago. Aiden jsut chuckled as he lightly shook his head then placed his hands on either side of the other male's face and leaned down, placing a soft and loving kiss on his lips then looked back into his eyes and said,

"Yes, Hakon, I love you."

Finally believing Aiden's words, Hakon let out a sigh of relief and leaned his head against the younger man's shoulder as he grabbed his hand and intertwined their fingers, reassuring himself that Aiden was there and wasn't leaving him when he heard the man speak again.

"Does this mean we are dating?"

Hakon had to stifle a laugh as he heard the shyness in Aiden's voice, he sounded almost like a teenager asking his date to the prom, putting on his usual sly smirk, the older male lifted his head to look the pilgrim in the eye and said,

"I don't know, pilgrim, would you like to be my boyfriend?"

His cheeks turning pink as he heard the word 'boyfriend' come out of the man's mouth, Aiden nodded frantically, not trusting his words to come out without a stutter. On the other hand, Hakon, who was enjoying the sight of a blushing Aiden, had an even wider smirk plastered on his face as he moved his face impossibly closer to the man's.

"Then I guess it's settled, boyfriends."

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