Chapter 7

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Walking into the apartment, Aiden looks around the living room area along with the open kitchen. There was a brown couch infront of a small coffee table and a TV on the wall, some bookshelves around, a small rack to place your shoes on by the door, couple dead plants that haven't been attended to, and a few rugs in the living room. The kitchen that was connected to the living room had counter tops, cabinets, a fridge that was surprisingly functional, a sink and a trash can. There was also a purple glow over the entire place due to the UV lights that were hanging from the ceiling fan and sitting on the counters. Overall, Aiden thought it was a really nice place, one of the nicest places he's ever stayed at, considering everything.

Putting his backpack down beside the couch, he wondered where Hakon had gone, walking behind the couch to a plain white door, opening the door he finds the male lying on a big queen size bed that was covered with a dark blue comforter and pillows in black pillow cases, with his head resting on his hands and his eyes closed with a slight smile on his face, Aiden let a smile creep onto his face as he realized just how relaxed he looked. He slowly walked around the room then into the bathroom that had more UV lights, a big bathtub, sink, toilet, and some shelves for various bathroom items.

While Aiden was busy checking out the bathroom, Hakon had sat up on the side of the bed and swept a hand through his hair, getting up and walking out to the kitchen he went over and opened the fridge, to his surprise there were a few drinks and food items in there, grabbing a beer and shutting the fridge he cracked the cap off with the edge of the counter then went over to sit down on the couch.

A few minutes later, Aiden comes out of the bedroom and looks over to Hakon who had his feet up on the coffee table beer in hand, with curosity painted on his face he asks,

"Where did you manage to get a beer?"

Hakon looks up to make eye contact with Aiden with a cheeky smile as he says,

"Magic. Nah, there's some in the fridge."

Raising his brows at him, Aiden goes over and opens the fridge,

"Holy shit!" he says as he grabs a beer, shuts the fridge and takes the cap off the same way Hakon did. Taking a sip as he walks back over to the couch, he looks at the drink in his right hand with surprise as he says to himself,

"It's not even flat.", causing Hakon to laugh as he overheard Aiden's astonishment.

Sitting down on the couch beside the other man, Aiden laughed along with Hakon as he realized how silly he must've sounded. They spent a little while just talking about random things and laughing until they both got tired so they called it a night. They decided that Aiden would get the bed for the night and Hakon would sleep on the couch, he didn't put up much of an argument this time since he was so tired, so Aiden put down his now empty beer and walked into the bedroom as Hakon just layed down on the couch and slowly fell asleep.

It was around 4 A.M. when Aiden woke up from a nightmare, he sat up in bed and rubbed the thin layer of sweat off his forehead, knowing he won't be able to go back to sleep, he got up and walked into the living room. Going over to the front of the couch, he tapped Hakon's legs as he said,

"Hakon, move over.", with a gravelly voice startling the male awake.

"Aiden? You okay, why are you up so early?", he asked sitting up as he looked to Aiden with a furrowed brow.

"Yeah, I, um, woke up from a nightmare again.",

Aiden told him about his nightmares he has had ever since he was five when they first started to travel together, when Hakon had woke him up in the middle of one and asked what was wrong. So, it wasn't new information to him but he still didn't like the fact that Aiden had to deal with them almost every night and never really got a good night's sleep, they had conversations about them and Hakon asked if there was anything that would help but there never was.

"I thought you said those stopped or you didn't have many."

Hakon said as he rubbed his eyes and sighed then looked to the male beside him for a response as Aiden just looked down and rubbed the back of his neck and said,

"I thought they had, cause those few nights I didn't have any but I guess not."

"Which nights?"

"The ones when we shared a bed..."

Taking his gaze away from Aiden who still didn't look back at him, Hakon sat there and thought for a moment then stood up and said,

"This couch is uncomfortable anyway, come on, pilgrim."

Blinking a few times, Aiden looked to the bedroom door that Hakon had disappeared behind as his words registered in his head, getting up and walking into the bedroom he saw that Hakon had already made himself comfortable and fallen asleep on the right side of the bed, so Aiden had climbed in under the blanket on the left side and had fallen asleep surprisingly quick after feeling the exhaustion kick in, it was the fastest he's ever gone back to sleep after a nightmare.

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