Chapter 13

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I apologize that this chapter is a few days late, I recently tested positive for COVID and haven't been feeling the best but I am starting to feel better as of today so I think I'm on the recovering side. So, since I am feeling better I should be updating every other day or every 2 days, hope you enjoy. :)

"Wake up, Hakon, please!"

Aiden called out desperately as he shook the man infront of him, then as Hakon's eyes started to open slightly Aiden was filled with relief as he grabbed the man's face with his left hand that was previously on his shoulder, making the injured man look up at him.

"You're gonna be okay, Hakon, just hang on."

Aiden said as he started to pick up their things and put them in his backpack and slung it on his back. When he crouched back down infront of the male, Hakon gazed up at him as he saw the frantic actions of the pilgrim's, so he put a shaking hand on Aiden's shoulder making him stop and make eye contact with him.

"Aiden, wait, I got to say something."

"No, tell me later, Hakon."

"Just listen, Aiden, please?"

Hearing Hakon used the word "please" slightly frightened Aiden considering he rarely ever used that word, so Aiden knelt down beside the man. So, there he was, kneeling beside the one man in the world that he would be lost without, and the scariest part was that not having him by his side in the future seemed all too likely right now. But, he did not have the time to dwell on that thought as he felt a hand move from his shoulder to his cheek.

"Thank you, Aiden, for helping me and saving my life more than once now. Even though I knew us actually getting to the ocean was unlikely, I still wanted to try, I just wanted to be with you. I'm surprised I made it this far actually."

Hakon half groaned half chuckled as he looked back up to the man kneeling infont of him and as he watched as a single tear fell down his cheek, he knew he had to say what he wanted to say ever since he saved Aiden back in Villedor. So, as he slowly moved his thumb to wipe the tear away, he started to speak again.

"You know, ever since that day in Villedor, I knew there was something about you, something I could not figure out. But, I think I know now what it is, I could not live without you, I felt so lost before you came into my life, Aiden, then I saw you and for some reason I had to save you, protect you at all costs. I love you, Aiden, I have loved you ever since that day."

Aiden just sat there, processing everything, everything that Hakon just said and every moment that came to mind that proved what he said, then something else also came to mind. He loved him too, that's what he's been feeling, the jealousy, the lost feeling if he was by himself, the sadness he felt whenever Hakon didn't want to talk to him, the happiness whenever Hakon was near, and the intense feeling of wanting to share a bed with him so he would have an excuse to be close to him, it all made sense now. Then, suddenly Aiden was pulled out of his thoughts by Hakon's hand falling from his face and back to Hakon's side as he slowly lost consiousness again causing Aiden to panic.

"Oh shit, no no no, stay with me, Hakon, I got you. You'll be fine, just hang on!"

Aiden shouted as he gathered his last bit of strength from his infection to pick the male up bridal style and carried him through the mall, not caring if he woke up the infected. When he finally got back outside, he quickly ran back to the settlement and found a building that said 'MEDIC' on it above the door so he kicked it open to see a woman sitting behind a makeshift desk with her hair tied up and glasses. Startled, she looked up from her paperwork and saw Aiden with Hakon in his arms, so she quickly jumped up and opened a door to another room as she said,

"Put him in here, on the table, quickly."

So, Aiden did just as she instructed, lying Hakon down on the table as he watched the lady enter the room again with medical supplies and start attending to the males wounds, so he stepped back and sat down on the couch that was beside the table, as put his head in his hands he quietly started to cry. After about ten minutes the lady came over and sat down next to Aiden who was gazing at Hakon with red, bloodshot eyes from crying, it wasn't until he felt immense pain as she pressed a proxide soaked cotton ball to one of the gashes on his chest that he noticed her sitting beside him.

"Take off your shirt, I need to clean and dress your cuts."

So he did as he was told, and just watched as she did what she said as he was too worried to make conversation so he just sat there silently, sensing his uneasiness the doctor spoke up as she put a bandage over the cuts,

"He will be okay, he just needs some rest and even though I don't know what happened, I suggest you get some rest aswell."

"Ok, thank you, doctor."

Aiden said as he let out a sigh of relief and looked at the doctor for the first time since being there, so she just gave him a smile in return and stood up from the couch and walked out of the room, closing the door behind her. Aiden turned his gaze back to the man lying on the table infront of him and as his eyes traveled from bandage to bandage then back to his face he quietly whispered,

"Please, wake up soon, Hakon, I've got so much I want to say to you."

Then he leaned over and put his elbow on the armrest of the couch, propping his head up with his hand as he slowly let sleep consume him.

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