Chapter 6

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After a couple hours into the car ride, the girls had cuddled up on the backseat asleep, so Aiden had decided to try and strike up a conversation with the man in the driver's seat,

"So, Hakon, what do you think of being a pilgrim so far?"

"It's not too bad, I just try to think about where we're going.", Hakon replied plainly, it seemed like he was thinking about something, making Aiden furrow his eyebrows as he felt a bit of concern as to why Hakon was not his usual charismatic self.

"You alright, Hakon? You don't seem to be your usual annoyingly charming self."

Aiden asked with a light smile, trying to ease some of the strange tension that was in the air, when Hakon just gripped the steering wheel a little bit tighter as he kept his eyes on the road and said,

"Yeah, I'm all good, Aiden, you don't have to worry about me."

Aiden just stared at him for a few seconds with a worried look, not really believing what he was hearing, feeling eyes on him, Hakon glanced over and offered Aiden a small smile. Deciding it was best to not question it further, Aiden turned towards the window and leaned against it, trying to get some sleep, even though he could not stop thinking about what must have been on Hakon's mind to make him act like this.

Another 3 hours had passed in what seemed to be a blink of an eye, somewhere in those three hours Aiden finally managed to shut his brain off and fall asleep, so when Hakon had stopped the car a little ways from a big, wooden fence that had spikes and a few UV lights on it, he turned and said,

"Pilgrim, wake up." then adjusted the rearview mirror to see Skye and Haley curled around eachother, peacefully sleeping away,

"Hey, girls, time to go."

Trying to wake themsevles up, all three rubbed their eyes and groaned, all four stretched their limbs once they got out due to being stuck in a car for hours on end. They all made their way towards the wooden fence, knocking on the makeshift door, Hakon glanced back at the still tired looking three and shook his head with an amused exspression. The door cracked open to reveal a bald man with a weapon in hand, ready to attack at any moment, already being used to this, Hakon was not fazed and told him,

"Hello, I'm Hakon, this is Aiden, Skye, and Haley." as he pointed out each one of them,

"We need somewhere to stay for the night, do you have any spaces open?"

As the man looked at them sespiciously for a moment before asking,

"What are ya'll doing outside with the infected?"

"We are on our way to the beach, we are going to set up a place there", Hakon sighed, as he hoped he wasn't gonna have to answer that question yet again. After glancing around to all four of them, he closed the door to undo the chain lock and opened it all the way,

"Come on in, I'll show you where you can stay, also, my name is Sam, nice to meet the four of you.", he told them as he lead them through a much bigger settlement than what they were anticipating, they eventually arrived at a big apartment building that didn't have much damage to it at all to everyone's surprise. Seeing the group's astonished looks, Sam let out a light chuckle as he explained,

"When started building this place, we searched this building and saw that it was in pretty good shape, so we made it into places people can live again.", while nodding in shock, they once again followed Sam, into the building up some stairs and down a dark colored hallway.

"Okay, you two can have this one while you two girls can stay at that place across the hall, sound good?", Sam said as he pointed out two white doors that were almost directly across from each other, one saying 613 and the other saying 614 in fancy looking, dark blue font.

"Yeah, that's good, thank you.", Aiden said as Skye and Haley walked over to their apartment and Hakon opened the front door to their's. As he gave Aiden a nod he turned to walk away then turned back to say,

"Just a word of caution, most people here a very friendly but you might run into a few who are a bit... skeptical of pilgrims, just ignore them."

"Alright, thanks.", Aiden already was used to ignoring people's curious and judging gazes so he wasn't too surprised. Sam nodded at him once more then walked off down the hallway as Aiden turned to finally explore the place that they were gonna stay.

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