Epiloge 3

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It was a little while after they had settled down at their beach house when Aiden had started to relax it seemed, started to let his lover go out on his own, whether that be for a walk or to loot some dark zones. He was still very protective over him but he knew that Hakon could take care of himself, that doesn't mean that Aiden couldn't worry though, he still made sure that Hakon would radio him every so often during the trip.

After they had gotten their settlement built and people started to stay there, they realized they would need more supplies than they had so they organized a small group to go scavenge the town nearby. Sure, it would be dangerous because they were gonna be out longer than usual and it was at a point were they hadn't got familiar with the town yet, and they also had to worry about the infected that they would inevitably run into. So, yeah, Aiden was worried and for a valid reason. They were in their bedroom that evening, paking their bags and making sure they had everything they would need for the expedition when Aiden started to speak.

"Hakon... you do know that this is gonna be super dangerous, right?"

"Yeah, but we'll be fine, it will be just like any other time we go out."

"But what if it's not? Anything could happen..."

"Aiden, mon cheri, it will be fine, you worry too much."

Hakon zipped up his backpack and closed the space between him and Aiden, lacing their fingers together and giving him a light kiss.

"We've done this many times, Aiden, we will get what we need and be back here in no time."

"Yeah, but maybe it's best if you don't go this time..."

"What? Aiden, I'm going. We need all 5 people for this."

"But we can just get someone else to do it."

Hakon furrowed his brows, taking a step away from his husband and grabbing his backpack, slipping it on. He didn't understand why Aiden was being like this, they have searched countless places just by themselves so why was this any different? He could take care of himself, he did it for years and he was a nightrunner for goodness sake, he know what to do in the face of danger and having somebody be this worried about him made him feel like Aiden didn't think he could do this.

"Aiden, I'm going, I am not unfamiliar with danger, I was a nightrunner and I lived by myself for years. You can either come with or you can stay here."

"Hakon, I didn't-"

That was all that Aiden could say before Hakon had closed their door behind him and Aiden was left standing in an empty bedroom. He hadn't ment for it to come across like he thought Hakon was helpless, he was just terrified of seeing him get hurt, that he wouldn't be able to protect him. He knew he was wrong for trying to make Hakon stay at the house but he couldn't help the instinct that came from deep within him to keep his lover out of danger at all costs, and a little selfish part of him just wanted to trap him in their house and never let the dangers of the outside world get anywhere near his husband ever again, just why did Hakon have to be so stubborn and so adament in wanting to do good for other people? Sighing as Aiden walked over to pick up his pack and weapon, thinking about his husband's need to do good for other people, it was also one of the things he loved most about him but he also hated that it meant him being put in danger. As he walked over to the door and put his hand on the door knob, determination filled him, he would make sure Hakon would make it back to the saftey of their home, no matter what.

Leaving the bedroom, Hakon had a scowl on his face as many questions flowed through his mind, just what did Aiden think of him, did he think that he was helpless or careless enough to get himself or other people hurt? He knows he's made some bad dicisions in the past but he was just trying to the best he could, he never wanted to hurt anyone and he would be damned if he was gonna do the same here, he would not let the people he cares about get hurt again especially Aiden, the one he loved most, he would do the best he could for him.

They didn't talk to eachother the whole night while they were out, although Aiden made sure to stick close to Hakon, always on gaurd for anything to jump out of the shadows, it seemed as his senses were on overdrive as his vision seemed to sharpen along with hearing and smell. Hakon, on the other hand, kept thinkng back to the whole argument and he was starting to regret being so harsh with Aiden, the more he thought about it the more he thought that he should've just reassured his lover that everything would be fine and that he would be there to protect him, as he knew just how protective Aiden was over him, it just how he was and he couldn't really help it since it was the volatile instincts in him but sometimes it got overbearing. He made the decision to talk with Aiden whenever they got back and he needed to apoligize to him, he would hate for something this small to come in between them, he would never let that happen, he loved Aiden too much.

They were almost done with the trip and were headed out to the meeting point the group had established when they split up to explore more places at once. Hakon and Aiden were almost out of the building when a few viral spotted them, letting out a gutteral screech. Quickly pulling out their weapons, they worked harmoniously with eachother as the took out all of the viral and just when they thought they were done, a volatile jumped in through an open window just infront of them. It let out a deep trill as it locked it's gaze on them and just as Hakon was about to move to duck behind a desk, he heard a low growl come from the man beside him, so loud that he could feel the rumble in his chest, looking over instead of seeing the comforting baby blues he was so familiar with, he saw pure white along with blue veins trailing up his neck and along his face.

Glancing back to the threat in front of them, he was shocked to see that the volatile had seemed to stop and register the growl that had come from Aiden, locking it's eyes onto him as he stepped forward infront of Aiden, almost like he was inviting the thing to challenge him. They seemed to just stare at one another for a couple minutes before Aiden let out another growl, making the volatile slowly back up before it took off out of the window again. Now, Hakon had a completly different issue, putting his machete away he became acutely aware of the gaze that his lover had now switched onto him. He had had a couple experiences of Aiden turning but nothing like this. So, he just moved on instinct, slowly taking steps toward him, he looked Aiden in the eye as he spoke with a soft voice.

"Aiden, it's me, Hakon, it's ok, you're alright."

He was only a step away from the younger man, just out of arms length when Aiden had taken that final step immedietly enveloping Hakon in a hug and nuzzling his head into his neck as he inhaled as he spoke with a deeper voice than usual.


"Yeah, it's me, mon cheri."

Hakon said as he wrapped his arms around the man, they stayed that way for a few minutes until the blue veins started to recede and the white had turned into that light blue once again. Pulling away just enough to look at him, Hakon placed a gentle hand on his lover face as he stared into those eyes.

"I'm sorry I was so harsh on you, I know you just want to protect me."

"No, it was my fault, I shouldn't have tried to make you stay home, I know you are more than capable of defending yourself, I just get terrified that you will get hurt."

Aiden shook his head with tears in his eyes, still holding onto Hakon, hands tightly grasping his clothes causing Hakon to lightly shush him as he pulled him into a loving kiss.

"I know, mon coeur, I know. Come, we've got to get back."

Hakon went to step back when Aiden reached out to grab his hand, locking eyes once again as Aiden let out a soft,

"I love you, Hakon."

Receiving a smile and a squeeze to his hand as Hakon responded.

"I love you too, Aiden."

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