Chapter 8

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The next morning

Haley had woken up first, then after laying in bed for a few minutes admiring the female lying next to her, Skye had fluttered her eyes open. They got up ten minutes later and got dressed, after checking out more of their apartment since they didn't get to that much when they first arrived because they were so tired that they went straight to bed, they sat down on their loveseat in the living room. After talking for a little bit they started to feel hungry, then Haley thought it'd be a nice thing if they got breakfast for the four of them.

"Hey, Skye, do you think Hakon and Aiden are up yet? We could go get us some food."

"They probably are, let's go check on them."

Grabbing their backpacks, they quickly made sure they had everything they needed then headed out of the apartment and over to the male's front door. Skye knocked a few times then shouted,

"Hey, guys! It's Skye and Haley, you awake?"

Few minutes go by with no reply, the girls share a confused glance then Skye turns the door handle and cracks the door open to peak inside.

"Guys? Hello?"

Walking inside, they see that the boys are nowhere to be seen, so they look around.

"Where are they?"

"Maybe they already got up and went outside?"

"No, their stuff is still here. Go check in there."

Skye had pointed towards the bedroom door while she looked around the kitchen, as she opened the fridge she was shocked by the couple of beers and food that was in there. Closing the door to the fridge, she stood up and walked back to the living room, looking over to her right she saw Haley leaning against the door with wide eyes and a red face.

"You okay? What happened, baby?", she asked with a concerned look as she walked over to her.

"I found them..."


Haley just moved away from the door and gestured for a confused Skye to open it, as she grabbed the handle she told her,

"Be quiet."

As Skye opened the door a little bit she peaked her head in and let her eyes sweep over the room, then she saw them, and what Haley was talking about. She quickly shut the door again then turned to the female beside her with wide eyes and asked,

"But, I thought Aiden said they weren't together like that?"

Haley just shrugged as they walked over to their bags that they had set down on the couch.

"I don't know, maybe they aren't but like eachother? Cause THAT is not something that just happens, right?"

"Yeah, for sure, whatever I guess, we'll let them figure that out, but if I have to I will give them a little push. I am ready to help my ship sail!"

Haley just laughed and shook her head at the determind look on Skye's face as she walked over to the front door and opened it.

"Alright, but come on, we've got food to get."

Grabbing her backpack, Skye scurried over to exit the apartment with Haley following behind as she quietly closed the door behind them. Eventually, they had found their way to a little place with stores set up along the street outside of various buildings that looked to be old clothing, game, and other types of stores from before the Fall. After they got some food for the four, they explored a little bit more before finally returning to the apartment building to see if the other half of their group was awake yet.

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