Chapter 2

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^^Example of the tattoos I imagine Hakon to have ^^


The next morning...
Aiden stirs in his sleep, as he raises his right hand up to his face to rub his still tired eyes, he thinks to himself,

Huh, no nightmare this time...

Feeling quite warm and a weight on his waist, he looks down to see an arm, a man's arm; his eyes trail up that arm to forearm, bisep, shoulder, and face that belonged to a peticular nightrunner who was sleeping beside him. He let his eyes trace over every little detail on Hakon's face before he realized what he was doing, looking back to the ceiling, he rubbed his face with his free hand and thought,

Ugh... what the hell am I doing?

After a few minutes of letting himself enjoy this warmth, he decided to go get some breakfast for the both of them. Looking over to the male beside him, he slowly grabbed his wrist and gently placed it beside his head as he very carefully slid to the edge of the bed and stood up. Taking one last look at Hakon's sleeping face as he put his shoes and apparel on, one more thought popped into his head,

I like him better like this, when he's not giving some dumb speech.

Shaking his head to rid himself of these kinds of thoughts, he quietly opened the door and headed out of the little building to find some food. Walking through this little settlement type of place, he eventually found a medium sized building that looked to used to be a shop of some sorts, but now had the word "FOOD" spray painted on it. Going in, he bought some breakfast for himself and Hakon. After selling some of the valuables they've collected while he was out, he decided to head back to their place so he didn't have to deal with all the strange looks he was getting.

Opening the door to their shack, Aiden peeked in incase he had to be quiet if Hakon was still asleep, he opened the door a bit more to see Hakon sitting on the edge of the bed, changing his shirt, he noticed some tattoos and scars on the male's torso but didn't want to stare so he closed the door and walked over  to the small coffee table and set the food down.

Noticing what Aiden put on the table, Hakon smiled as he sat down on the chair and ate his food,

"You got this all by yourself? Good job, pilgrim."

"I'm not entirely helpless, Hakon, I did survive 4 years on the road without you." Aiden rolled his eyes and laughed

"Yeah but that was before you were infected, things are different now but don't worry, the charming nightrunner is here to help you." Hakon smirked

"Shut up, just eat your food." Aiden shook his head causeing Hakon to laugh

As he ate the rest of his food, Hakon glanced up at Aiden who was sitting across from him with his food, as he thought to himself what it'd be like to spend every morning like this, just the two of them, eating, talking, it was nice. He found himself enjoying the idea of spending every morning with Aiden, realizing this, he told himself that he was being ridiculous thinking like that but he couldn't help imagining Aiden being there, with him in the future when they actually get to the beach: so he just tried to distract himself with the food infront of him and just tried to not think about their future at all.

After they ate their food, they gathered up their stuff and picked up their backpacks,

"You got all your stuff?" Aiden asked

"Yup, good to go, pilgrim." Hakon answered

Walking through the settlement one last time, they saw the old man again and waved as they left to continue their journey to a hopefully better future.

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