Chapter One - Lost But Found

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Edited: 11/07/22Edited #2: 12/01/23Edited #3: 08/04/23 

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Edited: 11/07/22
Edited #2: 12/01/23
Edited #3: 08/04/23 

Edited #4: 17/09/23 

My brown hair hung in limp, oily strands in front of my face, blocking out most of my view. Not that there was much to see anyway. Everything around me was made from the same sterile white tiles; the walls, the floor, even the ceiling. Except for the door, though that was still a very bright white. The whole room was a Laboratory used for experiments.

I was Experiment B12. I didn't know the experiments before me that had the previous letters and numbers. I had never seen anyone else around here, except for the people who call themselves my 'creators', they were actually mad scientists. I didn't know much about them, except that they were part of something called HYDRA, and the 'bosses' were two men called Baron Strucker and Arnim Zola. They are the ones who have changed me into the monster I am.

I dragged myself out of my dull thoughts and moved one of my arms from its uncomfortable position, feeling the familiar zap of electricity from a cord attached to my arm. All the cords connected to my arms and back went through the jumpsuit I wore and were attached to numerous machines behind me. They zapped me whenever I moved, and although it wasn't painful, it was uncomfortable. The scientists told me it was so I didn't escape and hurt them and everybody outside of this horrid, white-tiled room.

I had tried to escape once, and I didn't even get far before I was gassed and thrown back into this cell. I never knew how long I was unconscious, I didn't have any concept of time here, and there were no windows or clocks in the room. I hadn't ever tried to escape again, even though I desperately wanted to get out. I just knew it was pointless. One of the bosses, Strucker, had persuaded me into thinking that I was better off here. He said that any small thing could trigger the monster inside me, and if I lost control, I could hurt someone or burn myself out. As much as I hated it here, if staying here meant keeping myself and others safe, then I would stick it out for as long as I needed to.

There was a bang outside the door of the cell, jerking me out of my thoughts again and I looked up a little bit, enough to not get zapped, but enough for my oily hair to move out of my face slightly. I looked up at the tiny glass slit that was near the top of the door, but nothing was visible through it, except the grey brick wall on the other side of the walkway outside. That glass slit was the only interesting thing in my life, I could see a little bit of the outside world through it. And by the outside world, I meant the grey brick wall, but it was better than looking white 24/7.

After waiting a couple more seconds for any signs of the cause of the bang, I hung my head again, concluding that the bang was probably someone dropping something. But barely a second after I finished my thought, another bang sounded. I looked up again, but there was still no one visible through the glass slit in the door. I waited slightly longer this time but when there was no third bang, I looked back down at my peeling fingers. I moved them around slightly, trying to stop the pins and needles running along them. There was another loud noise outside, but I didn't bother looking up. Maybe they finally had another experiment going and something was going wrong. I knew it was wrong, but I found myself wishing that one of the scientists was injured or maybe they had even died from something related to the noises outside.

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