Chapter Thirteen - What's Wrong With Me?

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When I woke up, my chest was heaving and I was slightly sweaty from the nightmare I just had. I couldn't remember it very well, which was unusual. I remembered flashes of it, I knew it was something to do with HYDRA, but the rest was just replaced by cracking fire. My whole vision had been full of it, it was terrifying, I had honestly through I was burning to death or something.

But as I looked around me, I realized that I was back in Loki's room, but he was nowhere to be seen. I reached out to pull the sheets off my legs, but as soon as I came touched the sheets, burning pain travelled up both my arms. I let out a strangled cry of pain and immediately brought both my hands back to my chest, cradling them. As the pain began to fade away, I slowly took my hands away from my chest, expecting to see sparks or fire, but they were completely power-free. I moved my fingers slightly and felt a tingling sensation, similar to pins and needles, but more mild. I reached out to touch the sheets again and the same blinding pain travelled up my arms, causing tears to prick in my arms. I held my hands close to my chest and shuffled out of the bed, trying not to touch the sheets. I reached the door and grabbed the door handle, twisting it and opening up the door, but as soon as I did, the same blinding pain travelled up my arm and I collapsed against the door as it swung open. I squeezed my eyes shut tightly and tumbled to the floor, curling up into a ball, clutching my hands close to my chest.

"Lady Emily?" Came Thor's voice and I curled myself up tighter as his heavy footfalls came closer to me. "Lady Emily, are you alright? Did my brother hurt you?" I shook my head, unable to form any words due to the pain travelling up and down my arms. Thor gently touched my arm and as soon as his skin made contact with mine, pain rippled through my body and I let out a cry. Thor immediately took his hand away.

"Lady Emily?" His voice was full of worry. "What is wrong?"

"It hurts." I managed to gasp out, tears beginning to roll down my cheeks as I stayed curled up in a ball.

"What hurts?" Urged Thor.

"My arms." I whimpered and Thor reached out again, quickly rolling me onto my back, trying to keep the skin contact to a minimum, but pain still flared through my body.

"My apologies Lady Emily." He said before his expression turned grave as he looked down at my arms. "We need to get you to the healers immediately." I raised my head weakly as I tried to see what was wrong with my arms and my eyes widened. My skin was normal on the outside, but underneath my skin, it seemed to be rippling with pulsing shades of orange, like something was alive underneath.

"What's happened to me?" I whimpered, slowly sitting up and looking down at my arms in fear.

"I do not know." Thor replied. "But we need to get you to the healers immediately." I struggled to stand to my feet, the pain in my arms slowly spreading across my chest and neck. Thor walked over to the lift and pressed the button to open it up as I followed him in. He pressed the engraved 4 and immediately the lift doors shut, the lift travelling up. It opened a couple of seconds later to the glass wall that was the outside of the Lab/Hospital that I had seen on my first day.

Thor put his hand on the pad outside the door and it beeped, the glass door opening. I clutched my hands closer to my chest, not wanting to bump against anything and cause myself anymore pain. The sound of metal clinking together reached my ears and I managed to see Tony at the same work bench as yesterday, his face covered by the same mask.

"Stark!" Thor's loud voice echoed across the whole Lab and both Tony and Bruce, who had been sitting at a desk writing something, looked up, Bruce seeming slightly startled.

"What can I do for you Point Break?" Asked Tony, taking off his mask. Thor gestured to me and Tony looked at me, though I was probably too far away for him to see the orange under my skin. Bruce stood up and began to make his way over to me and I watched him fearfully. When he was about three metres away from me, his eyes widened as they travelled up and down my body. I knew that my neck was also like my arms, I could feel it.

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