Chapter Fifty One - Rescue

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I began to stir and blinked a couple of times to try and clear my vision. I lifted my head and was immediately attacked by a pounding headache. I groaned and let my head flop back to the floor, which sent a new wave of pain through out my head. I could faintly hear an alarm going off in the distance and from where I was on the floor, I could see a faint red light flashing underneath the bottom of the door. I looked over to my left and through the little light in the room I could see a worn chest of drawers and a yellowed wall. I looked over to my right and saw a big book shelf, occupied by only a couple of dusty books. My brows furrowed in confusion and I struggled to sit up, my surroundings completely unfamiliar. I tried to ignore the throbbing in the back of my head as much as I could and I slowly sat up, realising that I was on a bed that wasn't like my normal bed in the compound. I looked down and saw that I was dressed in completely black clothing with a belt around my waist that was holding two guns and a couple of daggers. I blinked, slightly alarmed and stood up, everything swaying around me.

I stumbled into another room off to the left and saw that it was a small bathroom, nothing like the bright, clean bathrooms in the compound. I looked at the mirror and my eyes widened in horror as I caught a glimpse of a big purple bruise on the back of my neck. I turned slightly to the side to get a better look at it, only for my eyes to fall on a badge on my shoulder. My blood immediately ran cold as I recognised the HYDRA symbol and I tried to calm the panic that was rising up in me. I could be back at HYDRA, I should be.

I tried to rack my brain to remember what had happened, but everything was fuzzy and the pounding from the bruise on the back of my neck was very distracting. I walked back out of the bathroom and opened up the door that led into the hall with the flashing red lights. I flinched slightly at the blaring alarm and looked up and down the hallway, not a single person in sight. I stumbled out of the room, heading right as my head pounded from the flashing lights.

I heard yelling up ahead and I began to panic, though there was no time to run away when someone came around the corner. They were dressed in complete black and had the HYDRA badge on their shoulder too. They pushed past me, causing me to stumble into the wall. They were dragging their left leg behind them, leaving a big trail of blood along the white floor. I stared in horror and stayed pressed up against the wall as they collapsed to the floor a little further on, not moving. I quickly darted away from them and the sound of gun fire reached my ears as I continued to run. The yelling slowly became clearer and I recognised it as Russian.

Just as I rounded a corner, someone flew through the air straight past me and I fell flat onto my back, looking back at where they had come from to see a massive green... what seemed like a human, but was about 8 feet tall. HYDRA agents were swarming him, but he kept flinging them against the wall, and they slid to the ground, unmoving.

I looked away from the massive green man and saw another person up in the air, dressed in a a gold and red suit with beams of blue lights barreling out of the palms of the suit and hitting all of the HYDRA agents. There was also red and green flashes coming from somewhere in the fight, pinning agents up against the roof and walls of the hallway.

I scrambled back up to my feet and sprinted down the white hallway, avoiding agents being flung nearby. The sounds of gunshots and yelling slowly faded away, the more I ran, though I had no clue where I was running. Sometimes, I would round a corner and could hear the fight get louder, and I turned down the hallway to get further away.

At one point, a ran into a group of agents rushing towards the hallway towards the fight. I tried to dart down another hallway, but they had already spotted me.

"That's the experiment!" One of them yelled out. "It's escaping."

They rushed towards me, their heavy boots thumping against the floor as I heard guns being loaded. I quickly looked over my shoulder to see one of them holding a gun in my direction. I skidded around a corner, my boots slipping on the shining tiles just as they began to shoot at me.

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