Chapter Ten - Redecoration

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Teleporting was a weird feeling. The ground felt like it had disappeared complete from underneath my feet and it seemed like I was falling into darkness. While I couldn't see anything, I could feel what felt like wind whipping past my neck and through my hair. Then I began to hear a faint noise that grew louder with every second. Suddenly, my feet hit something solid and I stumbled forward, something catching me before I could fall.

Then everything appeared around me. We were out on the balcony just like Loki had said. The ground underneath us was a grey coloured tile and surrounding the edge of the balcony was tinted grey glass. There was a single grey chair sitting in the corner with a tiny table next to it. A cool breeze tickled my neck and I looked beyond the balcony, my eyes widening. For as far as I could see, there were tall building of all different shades, with screens covering multiple sides of them, flashing all different colours. The roads between the buildings were filled with cars all different shapes and sizes, and even several buses and trucks. I could faintly hear the sounds of car horns honking and engines rumblings. My eyes drifted up the buildings again and my eyes widened even more at the sky. It had been too many years since I had seen the sky. It was a soft hues of pink and orange as the sun slowly began to rise, the occasional patches of clouds drifting across it.

"It's beautiful." I breathed and someone chuckled from behind me. I looked over my shoulder and saw Loki standing quite close behind me. I moved to take a step away from him, only to realise that I was still holding his hand, and pretty tightly too. I quickly let go and felt a small blush creep along my cheeks.

"Sorry." I murmured, embarrassed.

"You handled that quite well." Loki smile, ignoring my embarrassment. "Considering you aren't use to teleporting." I didn't know what to say to that, looking out at the view again. Loki moved forward to the edge of the balcony and rested his hand arms on the railing. I hesitated for a moment before moving to stand next to him, keeping a safe distance though. We stood in silence for a couple of moments, staring at the bustling city. I took a deep breath and kept my eyes focused on the cars as I spoke up.

"Why did you show me all of that?" I asked softly, feeling his eyes turn to me. "You didn't have to, but... you did."

"I wanted to show you." He replied, turning his gaze back to the view. "I wanted to show you that life isn't bad when you have powers. And I know that mine aren't anything like yours, but still. It seemed that your whole life, you had been told your powers were a curse, and you believed it."

"But they are." I sighed quietly, looking down at the bracelets on my wrists. "I can't do any good with my power. It only causes death and destruction. You can use yours for good, yours are actually useful."

"Your power can be the same." Loki shook his head, turning to face me more, but I didn't look at him. "You just need to learn how to control it and use it. And..." he paused for a moment, "if you like, I can teach you."

"But how?" I sighed again, looking up at him. "You don't even have a power similar to mine, and I would hurt you."

"I can heal myself," he huffed out a chuckle, "or have you forgotten already?" I didn't say anything and looked back at the view.

"Emily?" Loki said softly after I was silent for a couple of moment. "Are you okay?"

"Nobody has ever wanted to help me before." I said softly, keeping my eyes on the city. "They always hurt me or been afraid of me. I've never had anyone how wanted to... I don't know, be friendly to me."

"I know how that feels." He said quietly. "I've never had any friends." I looked up at him in surprise, but he looked straight ahead, continuing. "Everyone always wanted to be friends with my brother instead of me. He got all the attention, being the 'strong and brave' one. I was forgotten about. Sometimes, I would come across that one person who became a friend, but then they would meet my brother and leave me to be friends with him instead" He fell silent, jaw clenched, and I immediately felt pity rush through me. I bit my lip, looking away as I hesitated for a moment before I reached out nervously and put my hand on his arm, trying to me comforting. He looked down at it sharply but I didn't take my hand away, not matter how... weird it felt.

Loki Laufeyson - The Experiment {1}Where stories live. Discover now