Chapter Seven - The Avengers

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After Tony and Bruce had gone through all of the projections, Tony asked the AI, JARVIS, to grab the woman, who I learnt was called Pepper. Less than a minute later, she appeared at the Lab door, smiling softly at me and I gave her a small timid smile back.

"How'd it go?" She asked Tony, walking towards us.

"Nothing we should need to fix up." Tony replied. "A few decent meals and a bit of TLC should see her back in good shape." He grinned at me and I gave him a small smile back before looking back down at my bracelets.

"Well, I can solve that first one." Pepper smiled. "Lunch is downstairs, Greek salads with wraps and lamb meatballs." My ears immediately perked up at the sound of food, but I kept my head down, not wanting to seem hungry and expose another weakness. These new people may be nice, but people can hide their true self behind smiles.

"I swear to God if Thor has eaten it all already." Tony muttered under his breath, packed away everything quickly, speed-walking out of the Lab. Pepper chuckled and shook her head, watching as Bruce packed the last of the equipment before talking after Tony, throwing a small smile over his shoulder at me. After they left, Pepper turned to me and I looked over at her, giving her a small smile when she smiled at me.

"I told you it wouldn't be that bad." She said, holding out her hand. "Come on, you need to get some food into you. Trust me, anything Greek is amazing, you'll love it." I hesitated for the smallest second before taking her hand and sliding off the bed, letting her lead me towards the door. She let go of my hand and let me walk in front of her to the lift. Alarm bells immediately went off from someone being behind me, but I tried to quieten them down.

We stepped into the lift and Pepper pressed a button with a 1 engraved on it. The trip down was short and as soon as the doors, I was immediately hit with the sound of a whole lot of chattering. My heart instantly began to pound rapidly and my eyes widened. I couldn't even see the people yet, but my the sound of all of their voices, there were a lot of them. I was fine with knowing three new people, but a whole room of them was too much for my anxiety. I scrambled backwards, pressing my back in the very corner of the lift. Pepper held the lift doors open and smiled softly.

"It's okay." She comforted. "They won't hurt you. They're just... loud." She reached out with her hand and grabbed mine, gently pulling me out. I tried to resist, wanting to stay in the corner of the lift, but she held my hand tightly.

"I promise it'll be fine." She urged me softly. "I'll look after you, okay?" I resisted a little less, but still walked as slowly as I could. We took a slight turn to the right and I immediately saw a whole table of people, at least ten of them. My eyes widened and I stepped behind Pepper trying to hide. Several of them spotted me as I walked into the room, including Loki, Tony and Bruce and their conversations slowly died off, causing everyone to immediately look at where they were looking. I shrunk under their gazes, trying to hide behind Pepper, but she stepped around and gently nudged me forward.

"Is this the new recruit?" Asked a tall, solidly built man with blonde hair. His blue eyes watched me carefully and my eyes quickly dropped to the ground.

"Not exactly a recruit." Tony corrected, reaching across the table to grab a bowl of food. "But something like that. Be nice to her." Pepper gently pulled me towards the table, everyone still looking at me, and found an empty seat between her and Loki. My eyes darted to Loki and he gave me a small smile, immediately causing me to look away as I sat down. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Pepper reach across the table and I looked up to see her bringing a massive bowl of salad towards me. My eyes immediately widened, I had never seen so much food in my life before. She began scooping it onto my plate before pulling over a plate of wraps, setting one of the side of my plate before she began to put meat on my plate too, filling it until there was almost no space left.

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