Chapter Forty Four - I Killed Them All

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I was laying on something cold, chills creeping up my spine every time I breathed. Something cool was around my wrists and ankles too, keeping me pinned down as I tried to flex my fingers. I groggily opened my eyes, everything swimming in front of me. There were lights above me and I blinked rapidly as the brightness pierced my eyes. A sharp stab of pain went straight through my skull, causing me to wince against band around my neck

"Wake up." Snapped a voice roughly and I looked back over to me left as best as I could with the cuff around my neck. Someone moved into view and I immediately recognised the beige suit and red bow tie.

Doctor Zola.

I tried to pull out of the cuffs pinning me to the table again, but they just dug into my skin more. I fought back more tears and squeezed my eyes shut, hoping this was just a really bad realistic nightmare.

"Open you eyes." A voice snapped and I immediately tensed as I recognised it as Strucker's. This nightmare was way too realistic. Instead, I squeezed my eyes shut tighter.

"Now." Strucker snapped and he grabbed my chin tightly, his hard fingers digging into my cheeks and gum. My eyes flew open and met his painfully memorable eyes, my reflection faint in the glass over his left eye. I tried to pull out of his grip, but he just smirked and gripped tighter.

"You've caused us quite the headache B12." He turned my head from side to side, as if looking for something. I struggled in his grip again and he jerked my head towards him, a muscle twinging in my neck. He simply chuckled and held out his hand, Zola placing a needle full of some light blue liquid, so pale it was almost white. Strucker looked back at me and held up the needle, flicking the top of it gently. I squirmed in bands again, trying to desperately summon up my fire again as Strucker walked closer with the needle. My power didn't as much as stir, the metal must have been made from the same thing that my bracelets were made from.

My bracelets.

I looked down as best as I could at my arms and saw with relief that my bracelets were still intact, though they were halfway up my forearm and were pinching my skin painfully. My clothes were covered in ash and splattered in blood in several places, though I wasn't sure if it was mine or someone elses.

"Don't worry your pretty little head." Strucker's voice broke through my thoughts and I looked back over at him, fear rippling through me as I saw him move closer with the needle. "This is only going to be a little prick, its going to make you feel a lot better."

He smirked, and it did nothing to make me feel better. I tired again to break free from the bands keeping me down, but they didn't make any movement. Strucker grabbed my arm and forced the long sleeve of my shirt up, his grip bruising my skin. I squirmed and he jabbed the needle into my skin, the pain causing tears to prick at my eyes. I swallowed back a cry of pain and squeezed my eyes shut.

"Quit your whining." He rolled his eyes, pulling the needle back out, not at all gently. "It's going to heal you, be grateful."

I doubt I could be grateful for the searing pain that was covering my whole body. It felt like being shot, stabbed and poisoned at the same time. I was no stranger to HYDRA's healing methods, but it appeared that my time with the Avengers had made me grow soft.

"Zola." Strucker's voice was hazy through the pain. "Where's the controller?"

I blinked rapidly to try and clear tears from my eyes, letting them drip down my cheeks. I turned my head to the side, which required a lot of effort, and saw Zola handing Strucker a small silver rectangle with a button in the middle of it. Strucker slowly turned to look back at me.

"Let's see how well this works up close." He smirked. "Zola has crafted up quite the nightmare."

Before I could even begin to imagine what it did, he pressed the button and it literally felt like I had been thrown backwards.

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