Chapter Thirty Nine - Slowly Loosing Control

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I stood as still as I could, my hands held out in front of me as tendrils of ire crept along my palms and forearm. My heart was pounding hard against my chest and the adrenaline rushing through me made my muscles tense and hands slightly shaky. The bushes where my attacker lay rustled and I readied my stance, drawing up more flames in case they decided to try and attack me. There was a groan from the bushes and I swallowed nervously, fisting my hands more.

"Emily." The voice groaned. "It's me." I immediately recognised it as Steve's voice and I dropped my hands, rushing over to him as he slowly sat up from the bushes, slowly putting out my flames and sliding on my bracelets just to be cautious. I knelt down next to him and immediately noticed a massive burn mark straight through the shirt he was wearing and onto the skin underneath.

"Oh my God." I whispered, my eyes wide. "I'm so sorry." He lifted up the shirt a little, exposing some serious muscles with I tried not to look at, and gently touched the wound, wincing. Guilt coursed through me and I bit my lip, tears welling in my eyes. He had been nothing but kind to me, and this is how I repaid him.

"It's okay." He shook his head, letting his shirt fall back down. He slowly began to stand up, wincing, and looked down at his shirt that was now being soaked with blood. He looked back up at the Barton house in the distance and took a couple of steps towards is, before wobbling unsteadily. I rushed forward and put his arm over my shoulder, staggering slightly as he put the majority of his weight on me.

"You know, you probably win for taking me down the easiest." He chuckled weakly before wincing. I swallowed tightly and didn't say anything, letting him lean on me as we walked towards the house. Guilt twisted in my stomach and it made me feel like I wanted to throw up, especially when he kept wincing. Blood dribbled through his shirt, but it thankfully seemed to be lessening the closer we got to the house.

"I'm sorry." I said again, unable to help myself. "I shouldn't have reacted like that." A single tear slipped from my eye and I hastily wiped it away.

"No, you made the right move." Steve shook his head, looking down at his wound and then back up at the house. "I probably would have done the same." I looked away from him and swallowed back the lump in my throat.

We eventually made it back to the house and I opened the door with my spare hand that wasn't wrapped around Steve to support him. I pushed it open with the rest of my body weight and stumbled into the lounge room, where Nat and Wanda were still sitting on the beds talking, everyone else in the kitchen. Nat, who didn't have her back to the door, spotted us first and jumped up as Steve almost slipped out of my hands. He had become paler and the burn was not looking any better, if anything it was becoming worse. What scared me most though was how close my flame had gone to his heart.

"Stark!" Nat called out, a decent tone of fear in her voice I hadn't heard before. Tony clearly heard it too because he appeared in no time, his eyes widening in shock. Everyone hesitantly followed Tony as he quite literally ran out of the kitchen. Their eyes widened and the lounge room became very crowded. I helped Steve lay on one of the mattresses and Tony grabbed the little scanner from his bag that I was very familiar with.

"Where the hell is Reindeer Games?" Tony demanded, turning on the scanner and projections filled the air. "Someone go find him." Nobody moved, in shock at how helpless and weak Steve looked.

"Now!" Nat yelled and several of them sprung into action, running around the house to try and find Loki. I hovered nervously in the corner of the room, watching as Bruce and Tony tried to clean up his wound as best as they could. Bruce whispered something into Tony's ear, and he froze before slowly looking over his shoulder at me.

"You did this?" Tony demanded and I immediately shrunk backwards, my back hitting against the backwall. Something similar to regret flashed in Tony's eyes.

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