Chapter Forty Two - They're Here

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Wanda sat next to me for the next few hours, rubbing my arm in comfort as I clutched a mug of steaming hot chocolate, thanks to Laura, who had said hot chocolate helped to calm her down after something stressful. Nat was kneeling behind me on the mattress and gently braiding my hair, which she said was something she and her sister use to do to relax. She didn't say much more about her sister, so I decided not to ask. She had already braided it several times, but kept redoing it.

Steve kept attempting to start conversation for me, but I felt like if I opened my mouth, I would be sick, and Nat ended up talking to him instead. It wasn't just guilt churning in my stomach, but it was the main cause. I couldn't really remember what happened in the backyard, or even how I got out there, but I vaguely remembered using my power that was shortly followed by a green flash which I guessed was Loki's. Judging by the lack of memory of what happened, I was guessing it was something to do with HYDRA, which lead me to believe that I had tried to attack Loki or something.

I had tried to make eye contact with him several times, but he looked away from me every time, although he stayed close. All of the other Avengers hung between the kitchen and lounge room, except Thor, who was outside playing with Cooper and Lila.

"Do you want anymore hot chocolate?" Laura spoke up from where she was sitting near the window, watching Thor with the kids. I shook my head softly, trying not to ruin the braid Nat was doing.

"Do you want me to get you some snacks?" Wanda asked and I shook my head again, looking down at my clenched hands on my lap. Nat tied off the braid she was doing and gently put it over my shoulder, but I didn't even react. I could still hear screams faintly ringing in my ears, but they weren't noticeable if I didn't focus on them. The churning in my stomach was the worst.

I skipped lunch as well, I couldn't stomach anything. I just sat quietly on my mattress while everyone helped themselves to the platter of sandwiches. If anything, my stomach tumbled even more when the smell of food reached my nose. Wanda and Nat resumed their positions next to me, but thankfully didn't try to strike up a conversation, I wasn't really in the mood to talk. Wanda did try to get Loki to offer to calm me down a little bit but I refused, knowing that a little magic wouldn't be able to help. Wanda tried to get me to go through the breathing exercises I had shared with her a little way back when I had come back from Asguard, but they didn't work.

It wasn't like I was stressed, I was just... numb almost. Apart from the sick feeling in my stomach, I couldn't feel anything. I wasn't sure if it was actually me or if it was HYDRA making me feel that way.

"You should eat something." Wanda said softly, startling me slightly as I snapped my head to see her sitting next to me. "Even if it is one sandwich. We can't have you loosing your strength." I shook my head and turned away from the sandwich she had been holding out.

"Maybe some fresh air would do you some good." Suggested Laura and I looked up at her. "You could help Lila fly the kite, she's been going pretty good."

"You could try it yourself Lady Laura." Thor called out from the couch where Lila was plaiting his long hair. At any other time I would have laughed at the clips in his hair, but I wasn't really feeling in a joking mood with the constant heavy feeling over me.

"I can teach you." Lila grinned at me and I slowly nodded. Some fresh air would probably do me good. Lila grinned happily and left Thor's hair, running over to me and grabbing my hand, trying to pull me towards the door.

"Gentle Lila." Laura warned as I slowly stood up. "Emily's not feeling well remember?" Lila nodded and wrapped her hand around my fingers, being slightly more gentle as she walked me towards the door. She grabbed her kite from the coat rack and opened up the door, immediately hitting me with a wave of fresh air, my senses sharpening instantly. I slowly walked out with Lila and took in a deep breath, letting the cool air fill my lungs. My eyes instinctively darting to the tree line to see any signs of people, though I still didn't relax when I didn't see anything.

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