Chapter Six - Testing

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After standing in the middle of the room for a couple of seconds, I hesitantly turned towards the bathroom door. I focused on the very faint feeling of my power in my stomach, ready to draw it up in case there was anyone behind the door who was going to attack me as soon as I opened it up. I twisted the silver handle and pushed the door open, holding my hands out in fists as I walked in. I spun around in every direction, but there was no sign of anyone in the room, and I slowly dropped my hands, relaxing slightly.

The bathroom was a lot bigger than I was expecting, it was by far the biggest bathroom I could remember being in. The bathrooms at HYDRA were literally a big metal tub filled with cold murky water in the middle of the room and a metal toilet in the corner that constantly stunk. This bathroom had a shining white bath was against the left wall covered in salmon-pink tiles and had a window not far up the wall. There was a double sink that literally shone against the back wall and a big circular mirror illuminated by a warm light, which immediately caused me to look away from my reflection. In the corner on the right, there was a big, tall glass shower and a silver railing next to it covered in white towels. I hesitantly walked over to the shower and opened it up to reveal numerous bottles of shampoos, conditioners, and body washes. My eyes immediately widened; I was never given that much stuff at HYDRA. Any time I got to actually wash myself with any sort of soap, or wash my hair, I was given a tiny little container of it and that was it.

I slowly twisted the shower taps and watched in amazement as crystal clear water poured out of the silver showerhead. I watched it for a couple of seconds before stepping back, gratefully peeling off my dirty, mud-caked, and bloodstained jumpsuit, letting it drop onto the floor. I stepped under the water of the shower and immediately shivered at how cold it was, twisting the taps to make it warmer. Within seconds, I was completely soaked, mud and blood swirling around my feet and going down the drain. I used almost half of the shampoo and conditioner bottles, scrubbing my greasy hair so hard I was surprised it didn't fall out. I got shampoo in my eyes multiple times and I spent a least ten minutes trying to stop my eyeballs from feeling like they were on fire. I scrubbed my body with the soap, trying to get any trace of HYDRA off me, but it was difficult with all of the still-open cuts and bruises littering my skin.

It took a little while for me to feel completely clean. I stepped out of the shower and wrapped myself in a clean towel before hesitantly looking in the mirror at my reflection, glad to see that I looked moderately okay. I mean, I was still covered in bruises, scars and cuts that were now bleeding again from my rough scrubbing. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around the deepest cuts, the white towel becoming speckled with my blood.

I slowly opened up the bathroom door, looking out of it cautiously, making sure no one was in the room before I slowly crept out, dressed in only the white towel. I darted to the cupboard the woman had been talking about and opened it up to see it completely filled with clothes off all different shapes and styles. My eyes scanned over them and after a couple of seconds of hesitation, I reached into the cupboard and pulled out a pair of loose-looking black pants, a long-sleeve navy blue shirt and navy-blue jumper. I knew I would be sweltering in the heavy clothing, but I didn't want anyone to see my scratches and scars and take advantage of my weaknesses.

I quickly got changed, tucking my hair into the hoodie and pulling the hood over my head to try and hide as much of my face as I could. I pulled on a pair of black joggers, wincing slightly in pain as it bumped my toe I had broken in one of the experimenting sessions ages ago. I hung up both towels in the bathroom and gathered up my HYDRA jumpsuit, hanging it on the rack next to the towels. I would decide what to do with it later.

I took a deep breath and walked over to the door leading outside my room, reaching my hand out before I hesitated for a couple of seconds. I bit my lip nervously before I slowly twisted the handle down and opened the door. My eyes darted around nervously, trying to find any sign of danger, but all I spotted was the woman sitting in one of the leather chairs. Upon hearing my door open up, she stood up and turned around to look at me, and I slowly walked out of the room, shutting my door behind me.

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