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as i sat in the rainbow room, i let my curiosity get the best of me as my mind wondered off to peter, one of the orderlies here at the lab. i knew i had feelings for him, but i couldn't exactly figure out why.

he was one of the people who has helped in the act of kidnapping me at a young age, stripping me of my childhood and dignity. they imprisoned me, tortured me, marked me as a number, and cut off the one thing i ever loved about myself; my hair.

although, dr brenner; or as he makes us address him as "papa," had allowed me to grow my hair back out, in reward for my good behavior. the only reason i obliged to the ways of this place was because of that deal.

i wasn't sure if peter felt the same about me; although he gives me physical and mental assurance of my well being. he makes my time here a bit more enjoyable.

i snapped back out of my thoughts as papa entered the room, beckoning us to line up; as we did every day. his deep voice cut through the room, "good morning children." i internally winced, i was not his child.

we all responded as we did every morning, greeting him aswell. "you will all be sent to your rooms for the first part of the morning, as we have a staff member to deal with." he spoke with malice. i wondered if in any way he could be talking abour peter, i really hoped not.

as we went our seperate ways back to our rooms, my attention was quickly pulled to the sounds of groans coming from a room near me. i followed the sounds and looked into the window of the door. inside, peter was lying on the ground, cut up and bruised. i heard faint voices inside, scolding him for his work.

i shuddered, not being able to look any longer as i rushed to my room. as i stepped inside, a tear fell from my cheek. i didn't exactly know why i was crying, but i knew it had to do with peter.

i wiped the few tears that had fallen down my face, and opened my door once again. i needed to see peter. i needed to see if he was okay.

i knew where his room was because of the couple times he had taken me there. i recalled the memories, faintly smiling to myself as i quietly roamed the halls. as i got to the hall where the orderlies stayed, i lightened my steps, not wanting anyone to hear me.

as i got to peter's room i knocked twice on his door, hoping he was in there. i waited a few moments before a distaught looking peter opened it. his blonde hair was disheveled and his beautiful face was now covered in bruises and cuts. i felt my heart break a little bit.

as he realized that i really was standing there, a smile grew on his face. he pulled me into his embrace, strong arms wrapping around my waist as he pulled me inside his room. the door shut behind us, but neither of us pulled away from the hug.

finally i spoke up, "peter, are you okay?" i lifted my head out of his chest and looked up at him. he weakly smiled down at me, "i'll be okay." i bit my lip, now taking in the severity of the injuries on his face. "we need to clean you up." i said, strolling over to his bathroom to grab a towel.

peter called from his new place on his bed, "im okay, really i am y/n." my heart warmed at the use of my name, not my number. still, i wet the towel and walked over to him.

i gingerly sat next to him, "i need you to look at me so i can clean you up, okay?" he sighed, although complying as he faced me. "this may sting a bit." i warned before gently dabbing his face with the wet towel.

he winced as i touched one of the deeper cuts on his face. i muttered an apology but kept going. after a bit, the dried blood was gone off his face. although his face was still littered with the remaining scars and bruises, he looked angelic.

i smiled, not realizing his eyes quickly flickering to my lips then back up to my eyes. before i knew it, his lips gently brushed mine in a sweet kiss. he pulled away abruptly before i could kiss him back.

he leaned back, his eyes glossing over, "y/n, i'm so sorry. i shouldn't have done that," he spoke as he played with his fingers, clearly nervous about my reaction. "i really like you and i understand you don't feel the same. i should have asked first and i'm sorry. please don't,"

i cut off his rambling by kissing him again. he slowly kissed me back, and it felt right. his hands worked his way down to my waist, resting there. while my hands moved up to his head, taking his blonde hair in my fingers.

i pulled away, looking sweetly into his eyes, "i like you too peter. alot." he smiled and pecked my lips again.

i guess he did like me back..

a/n: question: would u guys want smut??

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