teacher's pet*

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as i waited in the rainbow room waiting for papa to come through the doors and annouce our daily tests as he did every day, i sat next to 011. i watched as she tried to get a certain number on the plinko board. she was growing frustrated but before she could put another red chip down the board, the doors opened.

papa and all the orderlies of the lab came in, "children, today you will all be assigned an orderly to train individuality with." papa annouced, a seemingly fake smile on his face.

as he called out our numbers to assign us to our orderlies, i secretly hoped to get peter. "005, you will be with alec, one of our newer orderlies here." he said, guiding alec over towards me.

i sighed, dissatisfied that i didn't get peter like i had wanted. "papa," someone spoke out, it was peter. "05 and i have worked together before, and i've found that she really thrives during our lessons." peter said, trying to convince papa.

papa took a moment to consider before nodding his head, "very well, i expect a considerable amount of improvement today 05." he said, making a smile spread across my face.

i looked over to peter, his face held a similar smile to my own as he beckoned me towards him. i walked over to him as he began to open the doors, guiding me through them with his hand on the small of my back.

as we walked, peter's hand stayed on my back, seemingly getting lower down the closer we got to the testing room we were assigned. when we got to the room peter held the door open for me, his hand slipping off my back.

i sat down in the chair, attatching the wires to my head. peter sat silently across from me, picking up a clipboard and a pencil. "now y/n," he spoke slowly, his eyes flickering across the corners of the room, looking for cameras. he smiled, meaning he had found none. "close your eyes and focus. try to tell me what i've drawn here on the paper."

i focused, the peice of paper coming into my mind; it was blank. "it's blank." i spoke skeptically, wondering why peter hadn't drawn anything. he clicked his tongue, "hm, looks like you're wrong." he said, which i opened my eyes to.

he flipped the clipboard around, revealing a little drawn sun. "i, but i didn't see anything on there a second ago." i said, slight desperation in my voice, i didn't like to be wrong. peter smirked which emitted a familair feeling in my stomach. "well, looks like you weren't focusing hard enough, love." he said, standing up from his seat and walking over to me.

he leaned down, his lips brushing my ear as his hot breath cascaded down my neck, "looks like we need to make you focus, hm?" he said slowly, his lips kissing down my neck. i moaned lightly, my fingers finding their way into his soft hair.

he kissed down my neck, until he got to the top of my gown. he laughed lightly, getting on his knees infront of me. he slowly rode the gown up past the tops of thighs and up to my waist, revealing my clothed heat to him.

he looked up at me, then back down before he began to take off my panties, discarding them to the side. he licked up my slit, causing a soft moan to escape from my mouth. "peter," i breathed out, my hands slightly tugging at his hair. "yes, darling?" he said, acting like he had no effect on me.

i whined, needing his touch once again. he got the message and roughly slid two fingers inside of me, making me tilt my head back in pleasure and let out a string of moans, begging him to keep going. he curled his fingers in and out of me, keeping a steady pace.

his lips than began to suck on my already swollen clit, making high pitched moans emit from me. i bucked my hips, needing more friction. he slid a third finger into me, getting me closer to my release by the second.

my moans got louder, signalling i was close. but before i could release, peter swiftly pulled his fingers out of me and removed his lips from my clit. i let out a high pitched whine at the loss of contact, bringing my head down to look at him. "dumb girls don't get rewards, sweetheart." he said as he licked his finger clean.

a/n: there's gonna be another part, dont worry;)

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