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*warning: choking kink, pain kink??*
this is kind of a part two of wounds

sitting in peter's room, watching him from his bed as he attempted to clean the cuts on his chest and abdomen. the wet towel he used to clean those cuts made his body glisten in the fluorescent lighting of his bathroom. when he moved to clean one of the deeper cuts, he groaned and threw his head back in pain.

my breath hitched and i crossed my legs together. i wasn't quite sure why i was getting turned on in this situation, but all i know was that i needed him. "peter," i called out, trying to pace my breaths. he turned towards me, revealing his toned body, "yes?"

i took a breath, attempting to calm myself, "can you come here please?" he looked back into the mirror once more before placing the towel down and turning off the sink. he slowly walked over to me, occasionally wincing in pain. this just made me more eager for him.

he sat down next to me, looking into my eyes, "what do you need y/n?" i took a shaky breath, "i, i need you peter." i replied quietly, breaking eye contact and finding a new-found interest in the sheets.

peter lightly chuckled as he placed one curved finger under my chin, forcing me to look him in the eyes. "you need me?" he asked darkly. i nodded, not being able to form a coherant sentence, feeling myself grow more needy.

"use your words, darling." he said, leaning closer to me. my eyes flickered down to his lips before replying, "yes. please." he smiled, almost sinisterly, before meeting me in a passionate kiss, which suprised me.

he quickly pushed me down onto the bed, beginning the process of removing my patient gown. once it was off, he immediately began to kiss his way down my body. he started at my neck then moved his way down to my chest.

he looked up to me, his eyes begging for permission to take off my bra. i nodded, arching my back to help him in the process. he stared down at my chest, licking his lips, "god y/n, you're so beautiful." i softly moaned as he continued to move his soft lips down my body.

he eventually came to the line of my panties, lightly rubbing my clit through them. quiet moans escaped my lips at the small stimulation, encouraging peter to keep going. "please peter." i whined, lightly tugging at his hair. he groaned softly, liking the pain.

he placed a hot kiss to my heat before discarding my panties to the side. my breath was heavy, begging him to do whatever he pleased with me. without warning, he plunged his tongue into me, elicitating a high pitched moan from me. my hands immediately went down to grab his hair, tugging at his soft blonde curls. he moaned into me, making me squirm in his grasp.

i moved my hips into him, making the knot in my stomach grow larger, ready to burst. due to the teasing and foreplay, i was already close. my moans got louder and higher pitched, signaling to peter that i was close. but before the knot in my stomach could be undone, he pulled his face away from me.

i whined loudly, moving my hips around; needing some sort of friction. peter quickly unbuckled his belt and discareded his trousers and boxers. he moved up to face me and quickly began to enter me, making me tightly grasp his shoulders due to the pain forming in my lower stomach. as soon as the pain ceased, peter began thrusting into me mercilessly.

our moans filled the room, our bodies hot and pressed together. then, peter reached down and gently wrapped his hand around my throat. a loud moan escaped me as i looked up at him, with what he saw as innocent eyes. he squeezed my throat, creating a painful but satisfying feeling.

i felt the knot in my stomach slowly grow, about to become undone. "peter, im so," i struggled to say due to his hand wrapped around my throat. although, he got the message as he sped up his pace. making me his to fuck. he looked down at me, my head thrown back and my mouth open, moans spilling out.

my moans became higher as the knot in my stomach came undone, my breath getting heavier. soon after, peter made some of the most beautiful noises i have ever heard, telling me he was coming down from his high with me.

warmth spreaded around my body, leaving me in bliss as peter pulled out of me. he collasped beside me, his hands immediately wrapping around my waist. he pulled me into his chest, kissing the top of my head, "we'll clean up tomorrow morning." he said softly as i drifted off into a blissful sleep.

a/n: hope u liked this chapter lovelies;)

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